Mahatma Gandhi says

The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others. You must be the change you wish to see in the world.

Dr. Dinesh D. Khedkar

Dr. Dinesh D. Khedkar

Associate Professor

Department of Botany
Shri Shivaji Science College
Amravati - 444 603 Maharashtra, INDIA

Contact Us

Swing by for a cup of coffee, or leave us a message

Dinesh D. Khedkar
Professor in Botany
Shri Shivaji Science College,
Shivaji Nagar, Nagpur Road,
Amravati -444603(MS) India
Website :
Contact Nos.: 0721-2660855, Fax: 0721-2665485
"Gitai" Vitthal Wadi, Narayan Nagar
Kathora Road, VMV Post,
Amravati-444604 (MS) India  
Website :
Contact Nos.: 0721-2530473, Fax: 0721-2553969
Mobile No.:  +919423622287