Botanical Name Plant's Common Name Plant Family   


    AQUATIC : 0     BAMBOO : 0     CLIMBERS : 3     GRASSES : 1     HERBS : 9     ORCHIDS : 0     SHRUBS : 4     TREES : 7

 Sr. No.   Medicinal Plant's Name   Plant's Family   Plant category   Medicinal Uses 
1 Luffa acutangula (L.) Roxb. Cucurbitaceae Climbers The seeds are emetic and purgative; They are eaten to expel intestinal worms; The fruits and seeds are used in herbal preparations for the treatment of venereal diseases, particularly gonorrhea; A leaf extract is applied on sores caused by guinea worms to kill the parasite; The leaf sap is applied to skin affections such as eczema, and is used as an eyewash to cure conjunctivitis; The glycoprotein luffaculin, isolated from the seeds, exhibits abortifacient, antitumour, ribosome inactivating and immunomodulatory activities.
2 Ipomoea nil (L.) Roth Convolvulaceae Climbers in the treatment of elephantiasis; purgative; seeds are diuretic, anthelminthic and laxative and are prescribed for oedema and constipation, to promote menstruation or cause abortion (abortifacient).
3 Gloriosa superba L. Liliaceae Climbers Anti venome(snake), anthelmintic, laxative, alexiteric, abortifacient; Flame lily also used as a tonic, anti-periodic, anti-helminthic. The tuber has commonly been used as a suicidal agent among women in rural areas. tubers are tonic, stomachic and anthelmintic; useful in colic, chronic ulcers and piles; gout; abortifacient;
4 Eleusine indica (L.) Gaertn. Poaceae / Gramineae Grasses sudorific and febrifuge, roots used in the prevention of abortion (abortifacient). Root, is used in traditional medicine as a diuretic, anti-helminthic, diaphoretic and febrifuge and for treating cough and other ailments. The seed is sometimes used as famine food and also used in the treatment of liver complaints.
5 Rhynchosia minima (L.) DC. Fabaceae / Leguminosae Herbs Abortifacient, antihelminthic, used in the treatment of wounds, asthma and piles; seed extract shows specific agglutinating action on human RBC; Anti-cancer (Raihan et al., 2012)
6 Drosera indica L. Droseraceae Herbs bronchial infection, whooping cough, hyperglyceamia, hypolipidaemia, tuberculosis, spasms, microbial infections, leprosy, leishmaniasis, malaria, cancer, fertility problems, arteriosclerosis, phthisis, asthma, and acts as immunomodulator, cosmetic, aphrodisiac, chitin synthetase inhibitor, insecticide, antifeedant, abortifacient
7 Cucumis callosus (Rottb.) Cogn. Cucurbitaceae Herbs anti-diabetic, anti-oxidant, ANTI-HYPERLIPIDAEMIC; Fruit is traditionally used to prevent insanity to strong memory and remove vertigo. The seeds are cooling and astringent and useful in bilious disorder. diabetics; cooling effect, improve appetite, easy bowl syndrome, relives stomach pain, vomiting and constipation; indigestion, dropsy, and pulp of fruit used in abortion (abortifacient) and to increase menses for women; epilepsy and Diarrhea
8 Trianthema portulacastrum L. Zygophyllaceae / Aizoaceae Herbs Urinal diseases. The roots are abortifacient (in large doses), cathartic, emmenagogue and stomachic properties. They are used to relieve obstructions of the liver, and to relieve asthma and amenorrhoea. A decoction of the powdered root is taken to treat venereal discharge. The leaves are diuretic. They are used in the treatment of oedema, jaundice, strangury and dropsy. The old leaves are used in a treatment against gonorrhea. The fleshy nature of the leaves makes them suitable for use as a wound-dressing or poultice. A decoction of the herb is used as a vermifuge and is useful in rheumatism; it is considered an anti-dote to alcoholic poisoning.
9 Eclipta prostrata (L.) L. - false daisy Asteraceae / Compositae Herbs Bhringraj is mainly used in hair oils, but it has been considered a good drug in hepatotoxicity. In hair oils, it may be used alongwith Centela asiatica (Brahmi) and Phyllanthus emblica (Amla) It may be used to prevent habitual abortion (abortifacient) and miscarriage and also in cases of post-delivery uterine pain. A decoction of leaves is used in uterine haemorrhage. The juice of the plant with honey is given to infants with castor oil for expulsion of worms. For the relief in piles, fumigation with Eclipta alba is considered beneficial. The paste prepared by mincing fresh plants has got an anti-inflammatory effect and may be applied to insect bites, stings, swellings and other skin diseases. Asthma;
10 Sonchus oleraceus L. Asteraceae / Compositae Herbs It is used medicinally to treat Diarrhea, menstrual problems, fever, inflammation and warts. As abortifacient as a cathartic, a sedative, cancer treatment, a vermisides aid for toothache. Plant is useful in liver diseases. Leaves and roots are used in indegestion as febrifuge; stem is used as sedative, tonic; root extract is used in ointments for ulcers and wounds. Gum produced by evaporating latex is used for ascites and hydrothorax. enteritis, Diarrhea, pneumonia, hepatitis, appendicitis, chronic bronchopneumonia, icterus, throat swelling, haematemesis and uraemia
11 Sesamum indicum L. Pedaliaceae Herbs The leaves and seed are astringent. The leaves are rich in a gummy matter and when mixed with water they form a rich bland mucilage that is used in the treatment of infant cholera, Diarrhea, dysentery, catarrh and bladder troubles. The seed is diuretic, emollient, galactogogue, lenitive and tonic, and acts as a tonic for the liver and kidneys. It is taken internally in the treatment of premature hair loss and greying, convalescence, chronic dry constipation, dental caries, osteoporosis, stiff joints, dry cough etc. It has a marked ability to increase milk production in nursing mothers. Externally it is used to treat haemorrhoids and ulcers. The seed is very high in calories and so should be used with caution by people who are overweight. The oil is laxative and also promotes menstruation. It is used to treat dry constipation in the elderly. Mixed with lime water, the oil is used externally to treat burns, boils and ulcers. A decoction of the root is used in various traditions to treat asthma and coughs. Sesamum mulayanum: The oil used for massage and also given internally in arthritis. Oil is supposed to have abortifacient property (Bhogaonkar and Devarkar 2002).
12 Gomphrena celosioides Mart. Amaranthaceae Herbs gastrointestinal, respiratory problems, skin infections, abortifacient,
13 Cyathula prostrata (L.) Blume Amaranthaceae Herbs A decoction of the aerial parts of the plant are drunk as a treatment for cough. An infusion of the whole plant is taken as a remedy for fever and dysentery. A decoction is used as a wash for relieving headache. The sap of the plant is used as ear drops to treat otitis and headache[310. The plant is pulped and applied as a poultice on sores, burns and fractures, where it acts as a haemostatic and cicatrizant. The ash of the burnt plant, mixed with water, is rubbed on the body as a remedy for scabies and other skin ailments. The roots are used as an abortifacient. A decoction of the roots is used as a remedy for dysentery, colds and cough, rheumatism and dropsy. The roots are used in the treatment of abnormal and frequent urination. The root is used as a plaster to treat caterpillar itch, around the neck for cough and on the belly for intestinal worms or shingles. The leaves, mashed with water, are a remedy for cholera. The stem and leaves are a mild laxative. The leaves are used to ease irritations of the throat. A decoction of the leaves is applied to snake bites. The juice from macerated leaves is applied to cuts and bruises as an anti-septic. Macerated leaves are applied to wounds to stop bleeding. The juice of the stem is used as an abortifacient. A decoction is taken as a diuretic and to increase menstrual discharge. The flowers as an expectorant.
14 Abrus precatorius L. Fabaceae Shrubs Cough, Urinal disease, Brain tonic, abortifacient, contraceptive, emetic and irritant. The seeds are also antiperiodic, bitter, aphrodisiac, diaphoretic, emetic, expectorant and purgative. The seeds are used externally in the treatment of sciatica, hair loss, skin disease, leprosy, nervous debility and paralysis. The roots have been used to treat digestive disorders. The stem bark is emollient. A decoction is used as a treatment for stomach-ache, thrush, colds, coughs, sore throat and asthma. An extract of the bark is used as a treatment for cancer treatment
15 Datura metel L. Solanaceae Shrubs Galfugi, Antibiotic; Thorn apple is a bitter narcotic plant that relieves pain and encourages healing. It has a long history of use as a herbal medicine, being especially well-known as a treatment for chest complaints, including asthma, cough, tuberculosis and bronchitis. The whole plant, but especially the leaves and seed, is abortifacient, anaesthetic, anodyne, antispasmodic, antitussive, bronchodilator, hallucinogenic, hypnotic and mydriatic. It has a wide range of applications, including in the treatment of epilepsy, hysteria, insanity, heart diseases, fever with catarrh, Diarrhea, skin diseases etc. Anaesthetic, antiDiarrheal, anti-pyretic, anti-septic, anodyne, antispasmodic, antitussive, hallucinogenic, hypnotic, hydriatic, narcotic.
16 Leonotis nepetifolia (L.) R.Br. Lamiaceae / Labiatae Shrubs The plant is used against swellings, fever, gastro-intestinal troubles and as an abortifacient. A decoction of the whole plant is employed to clean out the uterus; treat Diarrhea and heavy cramps; as a diuretic; and as a tonic to strengthen the back. The leaves and flowers are cholagogue. An infusion is used as an antidysenteric; decocted with salt or sugar in a preparation to dissolve renal calculi. The leaf juice is used in the treatment of thrush. In a plaster for wounds. Cooked in an infusion which is drunk to treat itches and skin diseases. The infusion of leaves is traditionally being used to cure the stomach pain of the children and also to cure cough and cold.
17 Caesalpinia pulcherrima (L.)Sw. CAESALPINIOIDEAE Shrubs A decoction or infusion of the roots, bark, leaves or flowers is used as a purgative and emmenagogue. According to the dosage it may be used as a mouthwash for teeth or gums, a remedy for colds and fevers, or even as a strong abortifacient. The root is astringent, bitter, emmenagogue and, in larger doses, is used as an abortifacient. It is used in the treatment of Diarrhea. The leaves are emmenagogue, febrifuge and tonic. At larger doses they can be abortifacient. An infusion is used to relieve constipation, as a treatment for kidney stones, and to accelerate childbirth. An infusion of the leaves and flowers is used as a diuretic. The leaves, flowers and seeds are used in the treatment of stomach, urinary bladder and kidney problems.
18 Annona squamosa Linn Annonaceae Tree The plant is traditionally used for the treatment of epilepsy, dysentery, cardiac problem, worm infection, constipation,hemorrhage, anti-bacterial infection, dysuria, fever, and ulcer. It also has antifertility, antitumor and abortifacient properties. Breast Cancer, Seed : Malignant Sores(cancer); The green fruits, seeds and leaves have effective vermicidal properties. The young shoots, combined with peppermint, are used in the West Indies to relieve colds and chills.
19 Bombax ceiba L. Malvaceae Tree anti-pyretic–bark extract, Antitumor, Anticancer, Abortifacient, Aphrodisiac, birth control, sexual diseases and tonic, anti-inflammatory, Impotency, asthma and small-pox boils, Muscular Injury, Wounds, Anti-Diarrheal, Leprosy, Pimples and skin disease, Anthelmintics and anti-diabetic
20 Pongamia pinnata (L.)Pierre Fabaceae Tree The seed oil is given as a stomachic and cholagogue in the treatment of dyspepsia and cases of sluggish liver. It is used externally as a liniment for rubbing on skin diseases and rheumatic joints. It has been shown to be effective in enhancing the pigmentation of skin affected by leucoderma or scabies. The powdered seed is given as an expectorant in the treatment of bronchitis and whooping cough, and is also prescribed as a febrifuge and tonic. A paste made from the powdered seed is spread on sores and rheumatic joints. An infusion of the leaves is used to relieve rheumatism. A decoction is used as a cough remedy. The leaves are crushed and applied as a poultice for the treatment of parasitic skin diseases and to relieve bleeding haemorrhoids. The expressed juice is used on herpes and itches. The flowers are claimed to have anti-diabetic action. The fresh stem bark is astringent and is taken internally to relieve bleeding haemorrhoids. It is also applied to reduce the enlargement of the spleen. The root bark contains a bitter alkaloid and is used as an abortifacient. The anti-septic root juice is put on sores and ulcers and used to clean teeth. Plant is used for anti-infl ammatory, anti-plasmodial, anti-nonciceptive, anti-hyperglycaemics, anti-lipidoxidative, anti-Diarrheal, anti-ulcer, anti-hyperammonic and anti-oxidant.
21 Xeromphis uliginosa (Retz.) Maheshw Rubiaceae Tree Bark: astringent, emetic, abortifacient, analgesic, constipating and anti-septic. Fruits: bitter, acrid, thermogenic, anti-inflammatory, carminative. Root: aphrodisiac, diuretic, haematinic, tonic and cooling. anti-cancer
22 Ficus exasperata Vahl. Moraceae Tree The leaf extract has been used to treat high blood pressure, rheumatism, arthritis, intestinal pains and colics, epilepsy, bleeding and wounds. The roots are also used to manage asthma, dyspnoea and venereal diseases. Root decoctions are used in the treatment of urinary tract ailments, gonorrhea, asthma and tuberculosis. The root is chewed in case of cough. The root is an ingredient in a prescription to expel worms. The root bark is used against eye problems. The body is rubbed with root scrapings as a tonic. The wood ash or charcoal is applied on lesions caused by leprosy. Decoctions of the bark are used in the treatment of coughs, worms, haemorrhoids and abnormal enlargement of the spleen. Sap from the stem bark is used to stop bleeding, as a treatment of wounds, sores, abscesses, eye ailments, stomach-ache and for the removal of spines, but some traditional healers consider it corrosive to the skin and dangerous to ingest. The ash of burnt stem bark is sprinkled on wounds. Scrapings from the bark are made into an embrocation with stimulant and tonic properties. The stem bark is locally applied on the body for the treatment of malaria. The leaves and young stems are abortifacient, analgesic, anti-dote, diuretic, emetic, oxytocic and stomachic. A decoction is taken for the treatment of dysentery; diseases of the kidneys and urinary tract; respiratory conditions such as coughs, colds, flu and asthma; hypertension. The young leaf is chewed and swallowed in case of gastric ulcers. The fresh leaf is used as an ingredient of preparations for the treatment of heart diseases. The leaves are cooked with bananas and eaten as a treatment for gonorrhea; the cooking water is also drunk for this purpose.
23 Moringa oleifera Lam MORINGACEAE Tree The horseradish tree is a nutritious, diuretic, laxative herb that is expectorant, increases milk flow, controls bacterial infections and is rubefacient when applied topically. It contains a potent antibiotic. Ben oil, obtained from the seeds, has no taste, smell or colour and is exceptionally resistant to oxidation. The young leaves are taken internally to increase the milk flow in nursing mothers. The root is used as a vesicant. The root juice is used internally in the treatment of asthma, gout, rheumatism, enlarged spleen and liver, bladder and kidney stones, inflammatory conditions. xternally, the root is used to treat boils, ulcers, glandular swellings, infected wounds, skin diseases, dental infections, snake bites and gout. The roots and bark are used for cardiac and circulatory problems, as a tonic and for inflammation. The gum is demulcent, diuretic, astringent and abortifacient. It is used in cough syrups and in the treatment of asthma. The bark and gum are used in the treatment of tuberculosis and septicaemia. Flowers and immature fruits are said to be a good rubefacient. Oil of Ben is used for hysteria, scurvy, prostate problems and bladder troubles.
24 Pithecellobium dulce (Roxb.)Benth. MIMOSOIDEAE Tree The leaves can be used as a plaster to allay pain even from venereal sores, and can relieve convulsions. A paste made from the leaves is applied externally to treat muscular swellings caused by some inflammations. The leaves together with salt can cure indigestion and, in larger doses, can also induce abortion (ABORTIFACIENT). The bark of the root is a good remedy for Diarrhea and dysentery. The bark is used medicinally as a febrifuge. The fruit pulp is taken orally to stop blood flow in case of haemoptysis. The seed juice is inhaled into the nostrils against chest congestion and pulverised seeds are ingested for internal ulcers.