Botanical Name Plant's Common Name Plant Family   


    AQUATIC : 0     BAMBOO : 0     CLIMBERS : 4     GRASSES : 0     HERBS : 19     ORCHIDS : 0     SHRUBS : 12     TREES : 15

 Sr. No.   Medicinal Plant's Name   Plant's Family   Plant category   Medicinal Uses 
1 Bauhinia vahlii Wight & Arn. Fabaceae Climbers The seeds are tonic and aphrodisiac. The leaves are demulcent and mucilaginous.
2 Argyreia nervosa (Burm. f.) Bojer Convolvulaceae Climbers Brain tonic, Gyanic Problems, The root is aphrodisiac, diuretic alterative and tonic; used in gleet, gonorrhea, strangury, chronic ulcers. The leaves are maturative and absorptive; used in skin diseases and as an emollient poultices for wounds. Leaves are used as a local stimulant and rubefacient.
3 Ipomoea sepiaria Koenig ex Roxb. Convolvulaceae Climbers Tubers are cooling, alterative, uterine tonic and aphrodisiac; cures ulcers. Juice of the plant is deobstruent and diuretic and anti-dote to arsenic (Yusuf et al. 2009). EtOH(50%) extract of aerial parts is diuretic and hypotensive (Asolkar et al., 1992).
4 Merremia tridentata (L.) Hallier f. Convolvulaceae Climbers Maceration of the leaves is drunk as an anti-venom after snake bites. A decoction of a mixture of plants, drunk against candida infections of mouth, digestive tract or anus. In India the plant is one of the sources of the Ayurvedic medicine ‘Prasarini’, which is attributed with astringent, aphrodisiac, laxative and bitter properties. The aerial parts are used in treating haemorrhoids, swellings, rheumatic affections and urinary infections. anti-inflammatory; Anti-arthritic
5 Hybanthus enneaspermus (L.) F. Muell. Violaceae Herbs Treating Diarrhea, Urinary infections, Leucorrhoea, Dysuria, Inflammation, Cholera and Sterility, aphrodisiac, demulcent, tonic, diuretic, anti-convulsant and anti-malarial and used to treat urinary infections, Diarrhea, Leucorrhoea, dysuria, inflammation and male sterility
6 Corchorus fascicularis Lam. Malvaceae / Tiliaceae Herbs Anemia, Improving memory, Intelligence, Aphrodisiac, Laxative etc. Anti-cancer(Wozniak et al., 2015)
7 Tribulus terrestris L. Zygophyllaceae Herbs diuretic, aphrodisiac, antiurolithic, immunomodulatory, anti-diabetic, absorption enhancing, hypolipidemic, cardiotonic, central nervous system, Hepatoprotective, anti-inflammatory, analgesic, antispasmodic, anti-cancer, anti-bacterial, anthelmintic, larvicidal, and anticariogenic activities; It is used to remove the kidney stone and urine problem;
8 Pseudarthria viscida (L.)Wight & Arn. Fabaceae / Leguminosae Herbs Plant is used in tridoshas, cough, asthma, fever, dysentery, cardiac ailments, rheumatoid arthritis and aid in fast healing of fractured bone. The roots are astringent, thermogenic, digestive, anthelmintic, anti-inflammatory, diuretic, aphrodisiac, nervine, cardio and rejuvenating tonic. They are useful in vitiated conditions of cough, bronchitis, asthma, tuberculosis, helminthiasis, Diarrhea, gout, diabetes, hyperthermia and general debility. anti-diabetic, anti Diarrheal, anti cancer, cough, bronchitis, asthma, tuberculosis, helminthiasis, Diarrhea, inflammation, cardiopathy, fever, hemorrhoids, gout, diabetes, hyperthermia and general debility
9 Psoralea corylifolia L. Fabaceae / Leguminosae Herbs Skin diseases, chemo-protective, anti-inflammatory, anti-oxidant and anti-microbial. Seeds of this plant are anti-inflammatory, anti-bacterial, aphrodisiac, astringent, cardiac, cytotoxic, stimulant and diuretic in nature. Leprosy destroyer., leucoderma, skin rash and infections associated with skin. blood purifier; Anti-cancer (Pahari et al., 2016)
10 Drosera indica L. Droseraceae Herbs bronchial infection, whooping cough, hyperglyceamia, hypolipidaemia, tuberculosis, spasms, microbial infections, leprosy, leishmaniasis, malaria, cancer, fertility problems, arteriosclerosis, phthisis, asthma, and acts as immunomodulator, cosmetic, aphrodisiac, chitin synthetase inhibitor, insecticide, antifeedant, abortifacient
11 Ammannia baccifera L. Lythraceae Herbs antiurolithic, antifertility, anthelmintic, anti-microbial, analgesic; scabies, ringworm, parasitic skin infections, common cold, typhoid, strangury, spinal disease, gastroenteropathy and aphrodisiac, antitumor, anti-inflammatory, antiarthritic, antianalgesic, anti-pyretic, antidiuretic, Anti-cancer (Król et al., 2015)
12 Cucumis melo L. Cucurbitaceae Herbs diuretic, chronic or acute eczema, fruit is cooling, fattening, tonic, laxative, aphrodisiac and diuretic; cures biliousness, insanity, ascites and allays fatigue. The seeds are lachrymatory, diuretic, cooling, tonic and nutritive; used in ophthalmia, liver and kidney troubles, bronchitis, burning of the throat, chronic fever, painful discharges and supression of urine. They are also beneficial to the enlargement of prostate gland.
13 Cuscuta chinensis Lam. Cuscutaceae Herbs seeds used for the treatment of autoimmune diseases; improving the differentiation and proliferation of osteoblasts; preventing and treating cardiovascular diseases; Aphrodisiac; Demulcent; Diaphoretic; Hepatic; Kidney; Ophthalmic; Tonic;
14 Bacopa monnieri (L.) Pennell. Scrophulariaceae Herbs Epilepsy, Asthma, ulcer, tumors, ascites, enlarged spleen, inflammations, leprosy, anemia and gastroenteritis, anti-oxidant. Famed in Ayurvedic medicine, brahmi has anti-oxidant properties. It has been reported to reduce oxidation of fats in the blood stream, which is a risk factor for cardiovascular diseases. It has been used for centuries to help benefit epilepsy, memory capacity, increase concentration, and reduce stress-induced anxiety. It is listed as a nootropic, a drug that enhances cognitive ability. According to Ayurveda, it is bitter, pungent, heating, emetic, laxative and useful in bad ulcers, tumours, ascites, enlargement of spleen, indigestion, inflammations, leprosy, anaemia, biliousness etc. According to Unani system of medicine, it is bitter, aphrodisiac, good in scabies, leucoderma, syphilis etc. It is a promising blood purifier and useful in Diarrhea and fevers.
15 Scoparia dulcis L. Plantaginaceae Herbs The whole plant is used for ailments like Diarrhea, stomach-ache, kidney stones, kidney problems, and fever. anti-diabetic, digestive problems, pulmonary complaints, fevers, skin disorders, antibilious, antibiotic, anti-dote, aphrodisiac, bitter, blood purifier, emetic, febrifuge, hepatic, hypoglycaemic, stomachic, cough, bronchitis, hypertension, haemorrhoids, insect bites, cytotoxic activity against cancer
16 Blepharis maderaspatensis (L.) Heyne ex Roth. Acanthaceae Herbs dysuria, headache, diseases of nervous system, diuretic, aphrodisiac,
17 Curculigo orchioides Gaertn. Hypoxidaceae Herbs aphrodisiac, immunostimulant, Hepatoprotective, anti-oxidant, anti-cancer, anti-diabetic activities; The rhizomes of the plants are used for the treatment of decline in strength, jaundice and asthma. According to Ayurveda, root is heating, aphrodisiac, alternative, appetizer, fattening and useful in treatment of piles, biliousness, fatigue, blood related disorders etc. According to Unani system of medicine, root is carminative, tonic, aphrodisiac, anti-pyretic and useful in bronchitis, ophthalmia, indigestion, vomiting, Diarrhea, lumbago, gonorrhea, gleet, hydrophobia, joint pains etc.
18 Chlorophytum tuberosum (Roxb.) Baker Liliaceae Herbs Sexual Problems, Tonic; Safed musali is used as an aphrodisiac and galactogogue as well as for its nutritive, health promoting properties and immunoenhancing, Hepatoprotective and anti-oxidants activities. The tubers are also used in fever, Leucorrhoea and also as an aphrodisiac.
19 Tricholepis glaberrima DC. Asteraceae Herbs Useful in skin disease, cough urinary troubles; Antioxidant, nervine tonic, aphrodisiac, anti-inflammatory, anti-septic.
20 Chlorophytum arundinaceum Baker Liliaceae Herbs Tubers having medicinal value are used as general tonic, containing the steroid sapogenine (1-2%), protein (10-20%) and calcium. Tubers are fat free and they have high aphrodisiac property. It is also useful in diseases like renal calculus, Leucorrhoea and diabetes. Immunomodulator, stimulant and tonic, antistress, adaptogen, anti-oxidant, anti-microbial, antimutagenic, anti-ulcer, antitumor, aphrodisiac, glactogen, antidibetic; Sexual disorders, decreased libido, cough and asthma, dysuria, polyuria, gonorrhea, menorrhagia, leucorrhea, piles and leucoderma, diabetes, obesity and immune problems, ophthalmic conditions, vomiting, dyspepsia, lumbago, joint pain and problems associated nervous system.
21 Chlorophytum borivilianum Santapau & R.R.Fern. Liliaceae Herbs Safed moosli holds an important position in Indian herbal medicine. The roots are widely used as a natural "sex tonic" and is an integral part of more than 100 herbal drug formulations. Although Indian forests are rich in safed moosli demand is increasing rapidly in Indian and international drug markets. The dried roots of asparagus are used in ayurveda as an aphrodisiac. They are available in the market as Safed Musli. Fifteen grams of roots boiled in one cup of milk should be taken twice daily. The regular use of this remedy is valuable in impotency and premature ejaculation. anti-cancer;
22 Chenopodium album L. Chenopodiaceae Herbs The leaves may be taken in the form of an infusion or decoction as a laxative and anthelminthic. It has also been recommended by Hindu physicians as a treatment for hepatic disorders and splenic enlargement. Seeds are used traditionally to improve the appetite and as an anthelmintic, laxative, aphrodisiac and a tonic. They have also been used to treat biliousness, stomach pains, eye and throat problems, piles, and diseases of blood, heart and spleen. hypoglycemic, anti-bacterial, spasmolytic, anti-pruritic, anti-inflammatory, Hepatoprotective, anti-oxidant, anti-cancer.
23 Cullen corylifolium (L.)Medik. Fabaceae - FABOIDEAE Herbs Bu Gu Zhi is valued in Chinese herbal medicine as a tonic remedy and is used to improve general vitality. Modern research has shown that it is also of value in the treatment of skin disorders, including vitiligo. The one-seeded fruits (or the seed plus the seedpod) are highly regarded as an aphrodisiac and tonic to the genital organs. The seed is anthelmintic, antibacterial, aphrodisiac, aromatic, astringent, bitter, cardiac, cytotoxic, deobstruent, diaphoretic, diuretic, stimulant, stomachic and tonic. It is used in the treatment of febrile diseases, premature ejaculation, impotence, lower back pains, frequent urination, incontinence, bed wetting etc. It is also used externally to treat various skin ailments including leprosy, leucoderma and hair loss. The seed and fruit contain psoralen. This causes the skin to produce new pigment when exposed to sunlight and is used for treating vitiligo and psoriasis. The antibacterial action of the fruit inhibits the growth of Mycobacterium tuberculosis. The fruit is gathered when ripe in the autumn and can be dried for later use. The root is emetic. It is used for treating dental caries. The plant yields a useful medicinal oleoresin, it treats kidney disorders, impotence, premature ejaculation, lumbago etc.
24 Abrus precatorius L. Fabaceae Shrubs Cough, Urinal disease, Brain tonic, abortifacient, contraceptive, emetic and irritant. The seeds are also antiperiodic, bitter, aphrodisiac, diaphoretic, emetic, expectorant and purgative. The seeds are used externally in the treatment of sciatica, hair loss, skin disease, leprosy, nervous debility and paralysis. The roots have been used to treat digestive disorders. The stem bark is emollient. A decoction is used as a treatment for stomach-ache, thrush, colds, coughs, sore throat and asthma. An extract of the bark is used as a treatment for cancer treatment
25 Plumbago zeylanica L. Plumbaginaceae Shrubs Skin diseases, Anti-cancer(Checker et al., 2010); Paste of root bark is applied for healing of wound. Powder of root is used in digestion. Roots are abortificient. Root is used to cure malaria. Used in treating intestinal troubles, dysentery, leucoderma, inflammation, piles, bronchitis, itching, diseases of the liver, and consumption. The leaves of this herb work well for treating laryngitis, rheumatism, diseases of the spleen, ringworm, scabies, and it acts as an aphrodisiac. A tincture of the root bark is used as an anti-periodic.
26 Leptadenia reticulata (Retz.) Wight Apocynaceae Shrubs Lactative; The plant is galactogogue, cooling, nutritive, aphrodisiac, stimulant, diuretic, and eyetonic. Useful to cure eye-diseases, seminal debility, general weakness, cough, dyspnoea, fever, asthma, constipation, sore throat, and gonorrhea. Extracts of roots and leaves of the plant act as anti-bacterial and anti-fungal agent. It promotes health and vigour, improves voice, alleviates the three dosas vata, pitta and kapha. It also cures eye diseases, hematemesis, emaciation, cough, dyspnoea, fever and burning sensation.
27 Dendrophthoe falcata (L.f.) Ettingsh. Loranthaceae Shrubs The whole plant is used in indigenous systems of medicine as cooling, astringent, aphrodisiac, narcotic and diuretic. The plant is useful in the treatment of pulmonary tuberculosis, asthma, menstrual disorders, constipation, insanity, Diarrhea, dysentery, arthritis, Leucorrhoea, rheumatism, skin diseases, impotency, wound swelling, paralysis, ulcers, haemorrhage, miscarriage, kidney and gall bladder stone. The plant possess the wound healing, anti-microbial, hepato-protective, anti-diabetic, anti-cancer, antinociceptive, anthelmintic, anti-oxidant and anti-septic properties. The whole plant is used in indigenous system of medicine as cooling, bitter, astringent, aphrodisiac, narcotic and diuretic and is useful in treating pulmonary tuberculosis, asthma, menstrual disorders, swelling wounds, ulcers, renal and vesical calculi and vitiated conditions of kapha and pitta.
28 Phyllanthus maderaspatensis L. Phyllanthaceae Shrubs The plant sap and leaf decoction are credited with emetic and purgative activities. Plant sap is used as nose drops to treat toothache. Ground leaves are rubbed on the skin with lemon juice as treatment for rheumatism. The seeds are carminative, diuretic and laxative. The plant is used as an aphrodisiac. The plant is widely used in India to treat headache, bronchitis, earache and ophthalmia. Powder from dried plant material mixed with milk is drunk to treat jaundice. The whole plant is pounded and boiled, then the solution used for washing areas of the body affected by scabies. A root decoction is taken to cure constipation, Diarrhea, lack of appetite, intestinal pain, menstrual problems, gastrointestinal disorders, testicular swelling, chest complaints and snake bites.
29 Asparagus racemosus Willd. Asparagaceae Shrubs Lactative, Tonic, used in the form of juice, paste, decoction and powder to treat intrinsic haemorrhage, Diarrhea, piles, hoarseness of voice, cough, arthritis, poisoning, diseases of female genital tract, erysipelas, fever, as aphrodisiac and as rejuvinative. It is also useful in treatment of epilepsy, kidney disorders, chronic fevers, excessive heat, stomach ulcers and liver cancer, increases milk secretion in nursing mothers and regulates sexual behaviors.
30 Rhinacanthus communis Nees Acanthaceae Shrubs In India the fresh root and leaves, bruised and mixed with lime juice, are a useful remedy for ringworm and other skin affections. The seeds also are efficacious in ringworm. The root-bark is a remedy for dhobie’s itch. In Sind it is said to possess extraordinary aphrodisiacal powers, the roots boiled in milk being much employed by Hindu practitioners. The roots are believed n some parts of India to be an anti-dote to the bites of poisonous snakes. anti-fungal, anti-bacterial, anti-viral, anti-cancer, anti-inflammatory, anti-diabetic, anti-proliferative; Root, leaves and seeds are useful in eczema;
31 Oxystelma esculentum (L. fil.) R. Br. Asclepiadaceae Shrubs vital importance in curing the diseases of the modern world like cancer, hepatitis, kidney disorders, stress-related disorders and microbial infections. The plant is hot, bitter, tonic, expectorant, pungent, dry and indigestible; causes flatulence, diuretic, laxative, aphrodisiac, anthelmintic, useful in leucoderma and bronchitis. The juice is used in gleet, gonorrhea, pain in the muscles, cough and given to children as an astringent. The milky sap forms a wash for ulcers.
32 Capparis sepiaria L. CAPPARACEAE Shrubs The fruit is considered to be aphrodisiac. The bark and the roots are used as a wound dressing. The plant is said to be alterative, febrifuge and tonic.
33 Commiphora wightii (Arn.) Bhandari BURSERACEAE Shrubs The resin is alterative, anti-septic, antispasmodic, aphrodisiac, astringent, carminative, demulcent, emmenagogue, expectorant and stomachic. It is used in the treatment of muscular rheumatism. The gum resin has been used extensively by Ayurvedic physicians for centuries to treat a wide variety of disorders. It is a natural health product, used primarily to reduce elevated blood cholesterol levels.
34 Phyllanthus reticulatus Poir. PHYLLANTHACEAE Shrubs Petroleumether and ethanol extracts of the leaves have shown hypoglycaemic effects. An ethanolic extract of the stem bark showed in-vitro anti-viral properties against polio and measles viruses, and antitumor activity. Extracts of the leaves have shown promising antiplasmodial activity against chloroquine-resistant and -sensitive malaria parasites. Sap from the stem is blown into the eyes to cure soreness. A soup made of the leaves, boiled with palm fruits, is given to women after childbirth. The powdered leaves are combined with cubebs and camphor then made into tablets that can be sucked in order to treat bleeding gums. The powdered leaf is used externally for topical application to sores, including venereal sores, burns, suppurations and skin-chafes. The mashed leaves are rubbed over the body of a malaria patient. The leaves and bark are reputed to be diuretic and cooling. The root is purgative and has a variety of uses. A decoction is used in the treatment of hookworm, whilst water in which the root has been boiled is taken as a male aphrodisiac, to increase fertility, to treat headache, for dysmenorrhoea, for hard abscesses. A decoction of the root, combined with the leaf-sap, is used as an antispastic. The plant is considered a remedy for anaemia and intestinal haemorrhage.
35 Sida cordifolia L. MALVACEAE Shrubs The plant is antipruritic, aphrodisiac, astringent, diuretic, emollient, febrifuge and tonic. It is considered to be useful in the treatment of respiratory system related troubles. The whole plant is boiled, and the water used as an herbal bath, or for washing the skin to relieve itching and the irritation of chickenpox and measles spots. The juiced plant is used as a treatment for rheumatism and spermatorrhea. The leaves are analgesic, demulcent, diuretic, emollient, febrifuge, nervine, stimulant and tonic. A decoction is drunk as a treatment for fevers. The leaves are pounded in water and the juice used in the treatment of spermatorrhea and gonorrhea. They are cooked and eaten as a treatment for bleeding piles. The fresh leaves are bruised and then applied as a poultice on boils in order to promote suppuration. They are used in the treatment of conjuctivitis. The stems are considered demulcent, emollient, febrifuge and diuretic. The bark is considered to be cooling. It is useful in the treatment of problems related to the blood, throat and urinary system; and is also used to treat conditions such as piles, phthisis, insanity etc. The root bark powder, combined with milk and sugar, is used in the treatment of frequent micturition and leukorrhea. The roots are considered to be astringent, cooling, stomachic and tonic. An infusion is used in the treatment of nervous and urinary diseases; and also for disorders of the blood and bile, asthma and as a heart tonic. Combined with ginger (Zingiber officinale), the root is used in the treatment of intermittent fevers with shivering fits. The juice of the roots is applied topically as a healing application for wounds.he seeds are considered aphrodisiac. They are used in the treatment of gonorrhea, cystitis, colds and tenesmus.
36 Bombax ceiba L. Malvaceae Tree anti-pyretic–bark extract, Antitumor, Anticancer, Abortifacient, Aphrodisiac, birth control, sexual diseases and tonic, anti-inflammatory, Impotency, asthma and small-pox boils, Muscular Injury, Wounds, Anti-Diarrheal, Leprosy, Pimples and skin disease, Anthelmintics and anti-diabetic
37 Grewia tiliifolia Vahl. Malvaceae Tree Antioxidant, Antiproliferative, Anticancer, pitta and kapha, burning sensation, hyperdipsia, rhinopathy, ulcers, skin diseases, haematemesis and general debility (Warrier et al., 1995) jaundice, throat pain, wound healing, urinary infection, dysentery The bark is astringent, sweet, acrid, refrigerant, oleaginous, expectorant, antipruritic, vulnerary, constipating, emetic, styptic, aphrodisiac and tonic. The barks and roots of G. tiliaefolia are used to treat skin diseases, hypertension, ulcers,Diarrhea, in?ammatory bowel diseases,pruritis, jaundice, burning sensation, thirst,throat complaints, biliousness, dysentery,infectious diseases, and diseases of the nose and of the blood
38 Ziziphus xylopyrus (Retz.) Willd. Rahamnaceae Tree Bark and leaf powder or paste applied externally for chest pain due to cough. Stomachache, indigestion: Fruit powder(3 – 4 g)administered with pinch ginger powder thrice in a day. Used in pyorrhoea and to check oogenesis. Root bark and fruit of this plant, traditionally used to treat Bronchial Asthma, Thirst, Diarrhea and as Aphrodisiac. Fruit and bark is used as Antimicrobial. Bark is used as an anti-inflammatory, Antinoceceptive and as Anticonvulsants.
39 Mangifera indica L. Anacardiaceae Tree The leaves are astringent and odontalgic. An infusion is drunk to reduce blood pressure and as a treatment for conditions such as angina, asthma, coughs and diabetes. Externally, the leaves are used in a convalescent bath. A mouthwash made from the leaves is effective in hardening the gums and helping to treat dental problems. The leaves are used to treat skin irritations. The charred and pulverized leaves are used to make a plaster for removing warts and also act as a styptic. The seed is astringent, antiDiarrheal; anthelmintic when roasted. It is used to treat stubborn colds and coughs, obstinate Diarrhea and bleeding piles. The pulverised seed is made into a sweetened tea and drunk, or taken as powders, for treating dysentery. The seeds are ground up and used to treat scorpion stings. The bark is astringent, homeostatic and antirheumatic. Used in the treatment of haemorrhage, Diarrhea and throat problems. When incised, the bark yields an oleoresin which is stimulant, sudorific and antisyphilitic. The stem is astringent. It is used to treat Diarrhea and to remedy stomach-ache. The roots are diuretic. The flowers are aphrodisiac. The fruit is antiscorbutic and antidysenteric.Various parts of plant are used as a dentrifrice, anti-septic, astringent, diaphoretic, stomachic, vermifuge, tonic, laxative and diuretic and to treat Diarrhea, dysentery, anaemia, asthma, bronchitis, cough, hypertension, insomnia, rheumatism, toothache, Leucorrhoea, haemorrhage and piles. All parts are used to treat abscesses, broken horn, rabid dog or jackal bite, tumour, snake bite, stings, datura poisoning, heat stroke, miscarriage, anthrax, blisters, wounds in the mouth, tympanitis, colic, Diarrhea, glossitis, indigestion, bacillosis, bloody dysentery, liver disorders, excessive urination, tetanus and asthma.
40 Semecarpus anacardium L. Anacardiaceae Tree Ripe fruits are aphrodisiac, digestive and stimulant. A paste or juice of the fruit is used in the treatment of bronchitis, dysentery, fever, asthma and haemorrhoids. The pure black acrid juice obtained from the fruits is used externally to remove rheumatic pains, aches and sprains. A little of the oil is rubbed over the parts affected - it is an efficacious remedy except in such constitutions as are subject to inflammations and swellings. Mixed with garlic and other substances, the juice is used in the treatment of almost every sort of venereal complaint. The bark is mildly astringent. A paste of the seed, mixed with honey, is used in the treatment of gastric troubles. The juice of the seeds is applied externally in the treatment of ringworm and severely chapped feet. The juice of the seeds has been tested as a possible anti-cancer. An oil obtained from the seeds is used to treat skin eruptions. The juice of the root is considered to be effective in causing sterility in women. The latex is applied externally in the treatment of headaches, skin diseases and scabies. The fruit and nut extract shows various activities like antiatherogenic, anti-inflammatory, anti-oxidant, anti-microbial, anti-reproductive, CNS stimulant, hypoglycemic, anticarcinogenic and hair growth promoter.
41 Eugenia jambolana Lam. Myrtaceae Tree diabetes; It is also used for digestion disorders including gas (flatulence), bowel spasms, stomach problems, and severe Diarrhea (dysentery). Another use is treatment of lung problems such as bronchitis and asthma. Some people use jambolan as an aphrodisiac to increase interest in sexual activity, and as a tonic. In combination with other herbs, jambolan seed is used for constipation, diseases of the pancreas, stomach problems, nervous disorders, depression, and exhaustion.
42 Xeromphis uliginosa (Retz.) Maheshw Rubiaceae Tree Bark: astringent, emetic, abortifacient, analgesic, constipating and anti-septic. Fruits: bitter, acrid, thermogenic, anti-inflammatory, carminative. Root: aphrodisiac, diuretic, haematinic, tonic and cooling. anti-cancer
43 Wrightia tinctoria Roem. Apocynaceae Tree Warmicide, Kadu indrajav; The bark is used in the treatment of dysentery. The dried and powdered bark is rubbed over the body in the treatment of dropsy. The seeds are anthelmintic, aphrodisiac, astringent and febrifuge. They are used in the treatment of fevers, Diarrhea and dysentery, intestinal worms. The leaves are used to relieve toothache when chewed with salt. The leaves and roots are pounded in water for treatment of fever. The bark and leaves are used to treat psoriasis, stomach pains, toothache, and dysentery. The milky juice is used to stop bleeding.
44 Cordia macleodii Hook. fil. & Thoms. Boraginaceae Tree Brain tonic; wound healing, aphrodisiac and Hepatoprotective activities;
45 Stereospermum personatum (Hassk.) Chatterjee Bignoniaceae Tree Digestive, Sexual problems, diuretic, Lithotropic, expectorant, cardio tonic and aphrodisiac, anti-inflammatory, anti bacterial, febrifuge, tonic, anti emetic, anti pyretic, rheumatalgia, malarial fever, wound, asthma and cough.
46 Gmelina arborea Roxb. Verbenaceae Tree The roots have great medicinal value as a blood purifier, laxative, stomachic, tonic and as an anti-dote to poisons. The leaf sap is used as a demulcent to treat gonorrhea and cough, and is also applied to wounds and ulcers. The flowers have been used to treat leprosy and blood diseases. The root and bark of Gmelina arborea are stomachic, galactagogue laxative and anthelmintic; improve appetite, useful in hallucination, piles, abdominal pains, burning sensations, fevers, ‘tridosha’ and urinary discharge. Leaf paste is applied to relieve headache and juice is used as wash for ulcers. Flowers are sweet, cooling, bitter, acrid and astringent. They are useful in leprosy and blood diseases. In Ayurveda it has been observed that Gamhar fruit is acrid, sour, bitter, sweet, cooling, diuretic tonic, aphrodisiac, alternative astringent to the bowels, promote growth of hairs, useful in ‘vata’, thirst, anaemia, leprosy, ulcers and vaginal discharge. The plant is recommended in combination with other drugs for the treatment of snake – bite and scorpion- sting. In snake – bite a decoction of the root and bark is given internally.
47 Ficus arnottiana (Miq.) Miq. Moraceae Tree anti-ulcer, astringent, aphrodisiac, demulcent, depurative, emollient; It is also useful against inflammation, Diarrhea, diabetes, burning sensation, leprosy, scabies, wounds and skin diseases.
48 Ficus benghalensis L. Moraceae Tree Blood Sugar reduces, Hair tonic; The leaves are used to remedy dysentery and Diarrhea. They are used in a decoction with toasted rice as a diaphoretic. The young leaves are heated and used as a poultice. They are applied to abscesses as a poultice to promote suppurations and discharge of pus. The concentrated latex, combined with the fruit, is aphrodisiac and is used to treat spermatorrhoea and gonorrhea. Mixed with sugar, it is used as a treatment for dysentery in children. The milky latex in the plant is applied topicaly to treat toothache, bruises, painful areas, rheumatic joints and lumbago. It is dripped into wounds in order to kill or expel germs, and is applied to treat bleeding and swelling of the gums. The bark is tonic and diuretic. An infusion is anti-diabetic and a decoction is used as an astringent in the treatment of Leucorrhoea. A decoction of the root fibres is useful as a treatment against gonorrhea, whereas the tender ends of the aerial roots are used for obstinate vomiting. An infusion of the twigs is a useful remedy for haemoptysis. The milky latex is used against pains and fever, rheumatism and lumbago, toothache, and applied to cracked and inflamed soles. The fruit is tonic and has a cooling effect.
49 Ficus religiosa L. Moraceae Tree Asthama, The leaves and twigs are alterative, anti-dote, aphrodisiac, astringent, antigonorrheal and laxative. It is used as an anti-dote against bites of venomous animals, and for the treatment of haemoptysis and fistula. Fresh sap from the leaves is used to cure Diarrhea, cholera and for wound healing. An infusion of the bark is drunk as an anti-diabetic. A decoction of the bark is used as skin wash to treat scabies, ulcers and skin diseases. The aerial roots are diuretic. They are used in the treatment of ascites and are chewed by women to promote fertility. Used traditionally as anti-ulcer, anti-bacterial, anti-diabetic, in the treatment of gonorrhea and skin diseases.
50 Acacia nilotica (L.) Delile MIMOSOIDEAE Tree plant is therapeutic used as Anti-cancer, anti tumours, Antiscorbutic, Astringent, anti-oxidant, Natriuretic, Antispasmodial, Diuretic, Intestinal pains and Diarrhea, Nerve stimulant, Cold, Congestion, Coughs, Dysentery, Fever, Hemorrhages, Leucorrhea, Ophthalmia and Sclerosis (33). Seed: seeds have anti-malarial, anti-diabetic, antihypertensive and antispasmodic activities. Leaves & Pod: The leaves and pods are an excellent fodder with anti-inflammatory properties, rich in protein. The pods have molluscicidal and algicidal properties. Bark: It is used in the treatment of hemorrhages, cold, Diarrhea, tuberculosis and leprosy. Root: it is used as an aphrodisiac and the flowers for treating syphilis lesions. Gum: Gum obtains from the tree is pharmaceutically used as suspending and emulsifying agent and in preparation of many formulations. Its resins repel insects and water.