Botanical Name Plant's Common Name Plant Family   


    AQUATIC : 0     BAMBOO : 0     CLIMBERS : 4     GRASSES : 0     HERBS : 9     ORCHIDS : 0     SHRUBS : 8     TREES : 13

 Sr. No.   Medicinal Plant's Name   Plant's Family   Plant category   Medicinal Uses 
1 Pueraria tuberosa (Willd.) DC. Fabaceae Climbers In chest pain two pills made from powdered tuber mixed with sugar are taken twice a day for 4-5 days. To cure weakness boiled roots are eaten twice a day for three weeks. The root is emetic, galactagogue and tonic. It is used to treat renal complaints and as a demulcent and refrigerant in the treatment of fevers. Applied externally, it is peeled and bruised to make a cataplasm, which is used to reduce swellings. It is crushed and rubbed on the body in the treatment of fevers and rheumatism.
2 Luffa acutangula (L.) Roxb. Cucurbitaceae Climbers The seeds are emetic and purgative; They are eaten to expel intestinal worms; The fruits and seeds are used in herbal preparations for the treatment of venereal diseases, particularly gonorrhea; A leaf extract is applied on sores caused by guinea worms to kill the parasite; The leaf sap is applied to skin affections such as eczema, and is used as an eyewash to cure conjunctivitis; The glycoprotein luffaculin, isolated from the seeds, exhibits abortifacient, antitumour, ribosome inactivating and immunomodulatory activities.
3 Cucumis prophetarum L. Cucurbitaceae Climbers The bitter fruit is used as an emetic. treatment of inflammation,
4 Momordica balsamina sensu W. & A. Cucurbitaceae Climbers The fruits, seeds and leaves are anthelmintic. The leaves are used as a treatment against fever and excessive uterine bleeding, and to treat syphilis, rheumatism, hepatitis and skin disorders. The plant is emetic, purgative and vermifuge. anti-HIV, anti-plasmodial, shigellocidal, anti-Diarrheal, anti-septic, anti-bacterial, anti-viral, anti-inflammatory, anti-microbial, hypoglycemic, anti-oxidant, analgesic and Hepatoprotective properties.
5 Borreria stricta G. Mey. Rubiaceae Herbs The plant is considered to be emetic and stomachic. The leaves are diuretic and purgative. Although used as a purgative, they are also used in the treatment of Diarrhea as well as conditions such as schistosomiasis, kidney problems, fever and blennorrhagia. The leaves are said to be applied topically in the treatment of skin problems such as leprosy, furuncles, ulcers, itches and gonorrheal sores.
6 Bacopa monnieri (L.) Pennell. Scrophulariaceae Herbs Epilepsy, Asthma, ulcer, tumors, ascites, enlarged spleen, inflammations, leprosy, anemia and gastroenteritis, anti-oxidant. Famed in Ayurvedic medicine, brahmi has anti-oxidant properties. It has been reported to reduce oxidation of fats in the blood stream, which is a risk factor for cardiovascular diseases. It has been used for centuries to help benefit epilepsy, memory capacity, increase concentration, and reduce stress-induced anxiety. It is listed as a nootropic, a drug that enhances cognitive ability. According to Ayurveda, it is bitter, pungent, heating, emetic, laxative and useful in bad ulcers, tumours, ascites, enlargement of spleen, indigestion, inflammations, leprosy, anaemia, biliousness etc. According to Unani system of medicine, it is bitter, aphrodisiac, good in scabies, leucoderma, syphilis etc. It is a promising blood purifier and useful in Diarrhea and fevers.
7 Lindernia crustacea (L.) F. Muell. Scrophulariaceae Herbs The plant is considered to have emetic and cathartic properties. It has given good results in treating bilious disorders, dysentery, amenorrhoea, and hepatitis. The powdered herb, mixed with rice water, is drunk to relieve Diarrhea, vomiting and cholera. A decoction of the leaves is given as a medicine after childbirth. An infusion is used to diminish leakage of albuminuria and to treat leprosy. A decoction is drunk as a tea for its febrifuge effect. The leaf decoction is applied topically to boils and itches, herpes-like sores, and to sores caused by forest ticks. The juice of the aerial parts of the plant, mixed with turmeric (Curcuma longa) and heated with a little water, is applied topically to treat infected fingernails.
8 Scoparia dulcis L. Plantaginaceae Herbs The whole plant is used for ailments like Diarrhea, stomach-ache, kidney stones, kidney problems, and fever. anti-diabetic, digestive problems, pulmonary complaints, fevers, skin disorders, antibilious, antibiotic, anti-dote, aphrodisiac, bitter, blood purifier, emetic, febrifuge, hepatic, hypoglycaemic, stomachic, cough, bronchitis, hypertension, haemorrhoids, insect bites, cytotoxic activity against cancer
9 Acalypha indica L. Euphorbiaceae Herbs Leaves: emetic, ophthalmic, purgative and vermifuge, asthma, pneumonia, malarial fever, dysentery, diabetes
10 Crinum defixum Ker Gawl. Liliaceae Herbs Bulb is emollient and emetic; in small doses it is a nausant and diaphoretic. The bulb and stolon are very much used for the treatment of burns, whitlow, and carbuncle. In otitis a few drops of juice of the leaves are instilled in to the ear. In Rema Kalenga, bulbs are used for the treatment of stomach complaints of cow.
11 Tylophora fasciculata Thwaites Asclepiadaceae Herbs The roots and leaves are emetic and purgative. A decoction of the root is said to be efficacious in extremely virulent types of fever. The leaves are pounded and used as an application to unhealthy ulcers and wounds to induce healthy granulation
12 Argemone ochroleuca Sweet Papaveraceae Herbs The whole plant is analgesic, antispasmodic, depurative, emetic, emmenagogue, possibly hallucinogenic, sedative and vulnerary. It has been used in the treatment of cancer and epilepsy. A decoction of the leaves is drunk as a treatment for ailments of the spleen and liver, and for jaundice or whooping cough. An infusion of the young leaves or flowers is taken to relieve fever, cough and asthma. The latex is slighly corrosive, diuretc. It has been taken internally in the treatment of dropsy and jaundice. The fresh yellow, milky, acrid sap contains protein-dissolving substances and has been used topically in the treatment of warts, cold sores, cutaneous affections, skin diseases, itches etc, and has been rubbed onto the body for the relief of rheumatic pain. The root is alterative and has been used in the treatment of chronic skin diseases. The flowers are expectorant and narcotic. The seed is antidote, cathartic, demulcent, emetic, expectorant and laxative. An infusion, in small quantities, is used as a sedative for children, but caution is advised since the oil in the seed is strongly purgative. They are useful in the treatment of coughs and catarrhal affections of the throat and pulmonary mucous membrane, and in pertussis and asthma. Though they do not appear to possess any antispasmodic property, they have a distinct effect on asthma, apparently from their combined actions as nauseant, emetic, expectorant and demulcent. As their use is often accompanied by some degree of vomiting and nausea, as a laxative medicine they are more suited to some pulmonary affections than to other diseases. The seed has also been used as an antidote to snake poisoning.
13 Cullen corylifolium (L.)Medik. Fabaceae - FABOIDEAE Herbs Bu Gu Zhi is valued in Chinese herbal medicine as a tonic remedy and is used to improve general vitality. Modern research has shown that it is also of value in the treatment of skin disorders, including vitiligo. The one-seeded fruits (or the seed plus the seedpod) are highly regarded as an aphrodisiac and tonic to the genital organs. The seed is anthelmintic, antibacterial, aphrodisiac, aromatic, astringent, bitter, cardiac, cytotoxic, deobstruent, diaphoretic, diuretic, stimulant, stomachic and tonic. It is used in the treatment of febrile diseases, premature ejaculation, impotence, lower back pains, frequent urination, incontinence, bed wetting etc. It is also used externally to treat various skin ailments including leprosy, leucoderma and hair loss. The seed and fruit contain psoralen. This causes the skin to produce new pigment when exposed to sunlight and is used for treating vitiligo and psoriasis. The antibacterial action of the fruit inhibits the growth of Mycobacterium tuberculosis. The fruit is gathered when ripe in the autumn and can be dried for later use. The root is emetic. It is used for treating dental caries. The plant yields a useful medicinal oleoresin, it treats kidney disorders, impotence, premature ejaculation, lumbago etc.
14 Abrus precatorius L. Fabaceae Shrubs Cough, Urinal disease, Brain tonic, abortifacient, contraceptive, emetic and irritant. The seeds are also antiperiodic, bitter, aphrodisiac, diaphoretic, emetic, expectorant and purgative. The seeds are used externally in the treatment of sciatica, hair loss, skin disease, leprosy, nervous debility and paralysis. The roots have been used to treat digestive disorders. The stem bark is emollient. A decoction is used as a treatment for stomach-ache, thrush, colds, coughs, sore throat and asthma. An extract of the bark is used as a treatment for cancer treatment
15 Cassia occidentalis L. Caesalpiniaceae / Fabaceae / Leguminosae Shrubs Skin diseases; The whole plant is diuretic, febrifuge, stomachic and tonic. It is used in the treatment of hypertension, dropsy, diabetes, fevers, biliousness, rheumatism, ringworm and eczema. The plant is boiled and gargled for treating throat troubles. Applied externally, it is pounded and mixed with wood-ash and rubbed on areas of leishmaniasis and eczema. The root is cholagogue, emetic and purgative. An infusion is used in the treatment of bilious fever, ordinary fever, stomach-ache, and to ease menstruation. A tincture of the root is rubbed onto rheumatic areas.
16 Calotropis gigantea (L.) W.T. Aiton Asclepiadaceae Shrubs The milky sap (latex) coagulates when warm and is said to have similar cardiac properties to digitalis (from various Digitalis spp.). It is also considered to be anti-septic, emetic, purgative and vermifuge. It is used in the treatment of a variety of other conditions including dysentery, leprosy, elephantiasis, epilepsy, asthma and many other complaints. Mixed with salt, it is taken orally as an emetic for treating severe colds. The latex is applied to sprains, body pains, boils and pimples. The milky latex is used externally to stop bleeding, and for treating a wide range of conditions including leprosy, rheumatism, ringworm, boils, scabies, stings, burns, bruises, cuts, sores and wounds. It is applied to the gums and teeth to treat caries and toothaches
17 Dregea volubilis (L. f.) Benth. ex Hook. f. Apocynaceae Shrubs The leaves are much employed as an application to boils and abscesses. The roots and tender stalks are considered emetic and expectorant. The young roots are cut and the exuding juice is inserted into the nose to cause sneezing. used to treat rheumatic pain, cough, fever and severe cold. Leaf paste is taken along with pepper to treat dyspepsia; bark paste mixed with hot milk is used internally for treating urinary infections.
18 Clerodendrum serratum (L.) Moon Verbenaceae Shrubs The plant is commonly used in traditional medicine as a poultice for skin diseases, yaws, headache, leprosy and persistent fever. It is an ingredient of an embrocation for stiff joints. The dried leaves, roots or stems enter in various prescriptions for haemorrhoids. A decoction of leaves and/or stem is used as a carminative, and to relieve fevers and chronic headache. The pounded leaves are applied externally in various prescriptions for cephalalgia, ophthalmia skin infections, rheumatism and painful joints. A decoction of the stem is used as an anti-malarial and to relieve abdominal pain. A decoction of the fruit is given to relieve colic. Ripe and unripe fruits are chewed with the leaves of Piper betle for treating coughs. The wood is considered diuretic. The root is considered antiemetic. It is used in medicine for treating fevers, rheumatism and dyspepsia. The flowers are consumed during labour. The seeds are used to some extent for treating oedema. It is traditionally valued and reported for treating pain, inflammation, rheumatism, respiratory disorders, fever and malarial fever.
19 Homonoia riparia Lour. Euphorbiaceae Shrubs A root decoction acts as an emetic. A decoction of the leaves is used against itches. The stems and leaves are applied as a purgative. The leaves were used to blacken teeth and to fix loose ones. The pounded leaves and sometimes fruits are applied as a poultice against skin diseases. A decoction of the leaves and fruits is similarly effective. Stem and leaves are used as a medicine to depurate the skin of diseases. An infusion of the wood is used against malaria and scabies.
20 Phyllanthus maderaspatensis L. Phyllanthaceae Shrubs The plant sap and leaf decoction are credited with emetic and purgative activities. Plant sap is used as nose drops to treat toothache. Ground leaves are rubbed on the skin with lemon juice as treatment for rheumatism. The seeds are carminative, diuretic and laxative. The plant is used as an aphrodisiac. The plant is widely used in India to treat headache, bronchitis, earache and ophthalmia. Powder from dried plant material mixed with milk is drunk to treat jaundice. The whole plant is pounded and boiled, then the solution used for washing areas of the body affected by scabies. A root decoction is taken to cure constipation, Diarrhea, lack of appetite, intestinal pain, menstrual problems, gastrointestinal disorders, testicular swelling, chest complaints and snake bites.
21 Rauvolfia tetraphylla L. APOCYNACEAE Shrubs The latex in the plant is said to be cathartic, diuretic, emetic and expectorant. It is used for treating dropsy and various other diseases. It is applied to granulated eyelids. The plant is commonly used in the treatment of malaria in Guatemala, where it is also one of the reputed remedies for snake bites.
22 Grewia tiliifolia Vahl. Malvaceae Tree Antioxidant, Antiproliferative, Anticancer, pitta and kapha, burning sensation, hyperdipsia, rhinopathy, ulcers, skin diseases, haematemesis and general debility (Warrier et al., 1995) jaundice, throat pain, wound healing, urinary infection, dysentery The bark is astringent, sweet, acrid, refrigerant, oleaginous, expectorant, antipruritic, vulnerary, constipating, emetic, styptic, aphrodisiac and tonic. The barks and roots of G. tiliaefolia are used to treat skin diseases, hypertension, ulcers,Diarrhea, in?ammatory bowel diseases,pruritis, jaundice, burning sensation, thirst,throat complaints, biliousness, dysentery,infectious diseases, and diseases of the nose and of the blood
23 Cassine glauca Rottb. Kuntze. Celastraceae Tree anti-septic, Gyanic problems; The dried and powdered leaves are used as sternutatoires. They are also burnt and the smoke used as a fumigant in the treatment of certain nerve diseases, particularly to rouse women from hysteria. The powdered leaves are used as a snuff to relieve headaches. The bark is astringent and is also considered poisonous. The fresh root bark is rubbed into a paste with water and applied as a poultice on swellings. The root is said to be specific against snake bite. A cold water extract of the crushed roots is used as an emetic.
24 Xeromphis spinosa (Thunb.) Keay Rubiaceae Tree The rind and fruit have useful emetic, diaphoretic and antispasmodic properties. The fruit is useful in cases of acute bronchitis and asthma. The fruit is applied externally in fever. The bark is a sedative and nervine carminative. It is given internally and externally in the treatment of fevers. An infusion of the bark root is used as an emetic. The bark is used internally and externally as an anodyne in the treatment of rheumatism and to relieve the pain of bruises and bone aches during fevers. It also acts as an astringent and is useful in treating Diarrhea and dysentery. Stem bark made into a paste and mixed with goat's milk and country liquour. This is prescribed in rheumatism once daily on an empty stomach. Fruits: cure abscess ulcers, inflammations tumours, skin diseases, pain in muscles, piles, chronic bronchitis, paralysis, leprosy, boils and eruption, brain diseases, asthma, leucoderma and rheumatism. Pulp of fruit bark: bone ache during fever.
25 Xeromphis uliginosa (Retz.) Maheshw Rubiaceae Tree Bark: astringent, emetic, abortifacient, analgesic, constipating and anti-septic. Fruits: bitter, acrid, thermogenic, anti-inflammatory, carminative. Root: aphrodisiac, diuretic, haematinic, tonic and cooling. anti-cancer
26 Madhuca indica J.F. Gmel. Sapotaceae Tree The flowers are regarded as cooling, tonic and demulcent. They are used in the treatment of coughs, colds and bronchitis. The bark is used medicinally in the treatment of leprosy. A decoction of the bark is given to diabetic patients. The oil from the seeds is used in the treatment of skin diseases. t is used as Anti diabetic, anti-ulcer, anti-cancer, hepato protective, anti pyretic, anti fertility, analgesic, anti oxidant, swelling, inflammation, piles, emetic, dermatological, laxative, tonic, anti burn, anti earth worm, wound healing headache and many more problems.
27 Stereospermum personatum (Hassk.) Chatterjee Bignoniaceae Tree Digestive, Sexual problems, diuretic, Lithotropic, expectorant, cardio tonic and aphrodisiac, anti-inflammatory, anti bacterial, febrifuge, tonic, anti emetic, anti pyretic, rheumatalgia, malarial fever, wound, asthma and cough.
28 Holoptelea integrifolia Planch. Ulmaceae Tree The bark and leaves are used for treating oedema, diabetes, leprosy and other skin diseases, intestinal disorders, piles and sprue. A poultice of the bark and leaves is applied topically to treat boils, swellings and rheumatic pains. The bark is used externally as a treatment for rheumatism, ringworm, scabies, ulcers and scorpion stings. The mucilaginous bark is boiled then the juice is squeezed out and applied to rheumatic swellings; the exhausted bark is then powdered and applied over the parts covered by the sticky juice. The seed and a paste of the stem bark is used in treating ringworm. anti-bacterial, anti-fungal, analgesic, anti-oxidant, anti-inflammatory, anthelmintic, anti-diabetic, antiDiarrheal, adaptogenic, anti-cancer, wound healing, Hepatoprotective, larvicidal, antiemetic, CNS depressant, and hypolipidemic activities.
29 Ficus hispida L. f. Moraceae Tree The juice of the root is used in the treatment of fevers. The bark is antiperiodic, emetic and tonic. The fruit is emetic. The juice of the fig is used in the treatment of liver problems.
30 Ficus exasperata Vahl. Moraceae Tree The leaf extract has been used to treat high blood pressure, rheumatism, arthritis, intestinal pains and colics, epilepsy, bleeding and wounds. The roots are also used to manage asthma, dyspnoea and venereal diseases. Root decoctions are used in the treatment of urinary tract ailments, gonorrhea, asthma and tuberculosis. The root is chewed in case of cough. The root is an ingredient in a prescription to expel worms. The root bark is used against eye problems. The body is rubbed with root scrapings as a tonic. The wood ash or charcoal is applied on lesions caused by leprosy. Decoctions of the bark are used in the treatment of coughs, worms, haemorrhoids and abnormal enlargement of the spleen. Sap from the stem bark is used to stop bleeding, as a treatment of wounds, sores, abscesses, eye ailments, stomach-ache and for the removal of spines, but some traditional healers consider it corrosive to the skin and dangerous to ingest. The ash of burnt stem bark is sprinkled on wounds. Scrapings from the bark are made into an embrocation with stimulant and tonic properties. The stem bark is locally applied on the body for the treatment of malaria. The leaves and young stems are abortifacient, analgesic, anti-dote, diuretic, emetic, oxytocic and stomachic. A decoction is taken for the treatment of dysentery; diseases of the kidneys and urinary tract; respiratory conditions such as coughs, colds, flu and asthma; hypertension. The young leaf is chewed and swallowed in case of gastric ulcers. The fresh leaf is used as an ingredient of preparations for the treatment of heart diseases. The leaves are cooked with bananas and eaten as a treatment for gonorrhea; the cooking water is also drunk for this purpose.
31 Sapindus laurifolius Vahl SAPINDACEAE Tree Anthelmintic; astringent; emetic; rheumatism; gout;
32 Balanites aegyptiaca (L.) Delile ZYGOPHYLLACEAE Tree The roots are purgative and vermifuge. A decoction of the root is used to treat malaria. The roots are boiled in a soup to be used in the treatment of oedema and stomach pains. They are also used as an emetic. The bark is purgative and vermifuge. An infusion of the bark is used to treat heartburn. Wood gum, mixed with maize meal porridge, is used to treat chest pains.
33 Melia azedarach Linn. MELIACEAE Tree The leaf juice is anthelmintic, antilithic, diuretic and emmenagogue. A decoction is astringent and stomachic. A decoction is used to treat Diarrhea. The leaves are used externally to treat skin conditions such as scabies and itch. A decoction is used as a gargle to treat tooth problems and strengthen the gums. The leaves are harvested during the growing season and can be used fresh or dried. The flowers and leaves are applied as a poultice in the treatment of neuralgia and nervous headache. The stem bark is anthelmintic, astringent and bitter tonic. The root bark is emetic, emmenagogue, purgative and vermifuge. It is highly effective against ringworm and other parasitic skin diseases.
34 Sapium sebiferum (L.) Dum.Cours. EUPHORBIACEAE Tree The leaves and the roots are depurative, diuretic and laxative. A decoction is used in the treatment of oedema, constipation, poisoning by two plants - Polygonum perfoliatum and Tripterygium wilfordii, skin diseases etc. The leaves are particularly useful for treating boils. The seed is anti-dote, emetic, hydragogue and purgative. In China it is taken internally, which is a rather questionable practice considering its toxic nature. The root bark is diuretic. It is used in the treatment of snake bites and skin ulcers. The juice of the tree (the sap is probably meant here) is acrid and vesicant.