Botanical Name Plant's Common Name Plant Family   


    AQUATIC : 0     BAMBOO : 0     CLIMBERS : 1     GRASSES : 0     HERBS : 10     ORCHIDS : 0     SHRUBS : 9     TREES : 14

 Sr. No.   Medicinal Plant's Name   Plant's Family   Plant category   Medicinal Uses 
1 Dalbergia volubilis Roxb. FABOIDEAE Climbers The juice of the leaves is applied to aphthae and used as a gargle in sore throat. The root juice with cumin and sugar is given in gonorrhea. The plant is used for gastritis in Khagrachari. A glycosidic substance from leaves showed anti-inflammatory and antiarthritic activities and a new level of general toxicity.
2 Cucumis melo L. Cucurbitaceae Herbs diuretic, chronic or acute eczema, fruit is cooling, fattening, tonic, laxative, aphrodisiac and diuretic; cures biliousness, insanity, ascites and allays fatigue. The seeds are lachrymatory, diuretic, cooling, tonic and nutritive; used in ophthalmia, liver and kidney troubles, bronchitis, burning of the throat, chronic fever, painful discharges and supression of urine. They are also beneficial to the enlargement of prostate gland.
3 Emilia sonchifolia (L.) DC. Asteraceae / Compositae Herbs Fever, Sore throat, Diarrhea, Snake bite,
4 Sonchus oleraceus L. Asteraceae / Compositae Herbs It is used medicinally to treat Diarrhea, menstrual problems, fever, inflammation and warts. As abortifacient as a cathartic, a sedative, cancer treatment, a vermisides aid for toothache. Plant is useful in liver diseases. Leaves and roots are used in indegestion as febrifuge; stem is used as sedative, tonic; root extract is used in ointments for ulcers and wounds. Gum produced by evaporating latex is used for ascites and hydrothorax. enteritis, Diarrhea, pneumonia, hepatitis, appendicitis, chronic bronchopneumonia, icterus, throat swelling, haematemesis and uraemia
5 Acrocephalus hispidus (L.) Nicolson & Sivad. Lamiaceae Herbs Cold, sore throat, expectora
6 Nepeta hindostana (Roth) Haines Lamiaceae / Labiatae Herbs The plant is known for uses such as cardiac, brain, and gastric tonic. It is a blood purifier and relieves high blood pressure. It has anti-asthmatic, anti-catarrhal, and sedative properties. It is used to treat fever, body ache, diarrheoa, dysentery, as a carminative and antispasmodic agent, as a gargle for sore throat and bad breath, also to treat gonorrhea. The plant also has hypocholesterolaemic and central nervous system (CNS) depressant effects.
7 Cyathula prostrata (L.) Blume Amaranthaceae Herbs A decoction of the aerial parts of the plant are drunk as a treatment for cough. An infusion of the whole plant is taken as a remedy for fever and dysentery. A decoction is used as a wash for relieving headache. The sap of the plant is used as ear drops to treat otitis and headache[310. The plant is pulped and applied as a poultice on sores, burns and fractures, where it acts as a haemostatic and cicatrizant. The ash of the burnt plant, mixed with water, is rubbed on the body as a remedy for scabies and other skin ailments. The roots are used as an abortifacient. A decoction of the roots is used as a remedy for dysentery, colds and cough, rheumatism and dropsy. The roots are used in the treatment of abnormal and frequent urination. The root is used as a plaster to treat caterpillar itch, around the neck for cough and on the belly for intestinal worms or shingles. The leaves, mashed with water, are a remedy for cholera. The stem and leaves are a mild laxative. The leaves are used to ease irritations of the throat. A decoction of the leaves is applied to snake bites. The juice from macerated leaves is applied to cuts and bruises as an anti-septic. Macerated leaves are applied to wounds to stop bleeding. The juice of the stem is used as an abortifacient. A decoction is taken as a diuretic and to increase menstrual discharge. The flowers as an expectorant.
8 Kyllinga brevifolia Rottb. Cyperaceae Herbs The leaves, stems and rhizomes are analgesic, anti-inflammatory, anti-malarial, decongestant, diuretic, febrifuge and sudorific. A decoction of the whole plant is used as a treatment against a variety of complaints including malaria; colds with fever; whooping cough; bronchitis; swelling pain in the throat. The leaves are taken internally in the treatment of Diarrhea. The pounded rhizome is used as a poultice for sores. A poultice of the fresh leaves is applied to snake bites, furuncles, sprains. A decoction may be used as an external wash in the treatment of pruritis. Ten fresh tubers are made into a paste and eaten with rice; once daily for three days as a treatment for Diarrhea.
9 Chenopodium album L. Chenopodiaceae Herbs The leaves may be taken in the form of an infusion or decoction as a laxative and anthelminthic. It has also been recommended by Hindu physicians as a treatment for hepatic disorders and splenic enlargement. Seeds are used traditionally to improve the appetite and as an anthelmintic, laxative, aphrodisiac and a tonic. They have also been used to treat biliousness, stomach pains, eye and throat problems, piles, and diseases of blood, heart and spleen. hypoglycemic, anti-bacterial, spasmolytic, anti-pruritic, anti-inflammatory, Hepatoprotective, anti-oxidant, anti-cancer.
10 Amaranthus blitum L. Amaranthaceae Herbs A fluid extract of the plant is used as an astringent internally in the treatment of ulcerated mouths and throats, externally as a wash for ulcers and sores. The juice of the roots is used externally to relieve headaches. The plant has a folk reputation for being effective in the treatment of tumours and warts.
11 Argemone ochroleuca Sweet Papaveraceae Herbs The whole plant is analgesic, antispasmodic, depurative, emetic, emmenagogue, possibly hallucinogenic, sedative and vulnerary. It has been used in the treatment of cancer and epilepsy. A decoction of the leaves is drunk as a treatment for ailments of the spleen and liver, and for jaundice or whooping cough. An infusion of the young leaves or flowers is taken to relieve fever, cough and asthma. The latex is slighly corrosive, diuretc. It has been taken internally in the treatment of dropsy and jaundice. The fresh yellow, milky, acrid sap contains protein-dissolving substances and has been used topically in the treatment of warts, cold sores, cutaneous affections, skin diseases, itches etc, and has been rubbed onto the body for the relief of rheumatic pain. The root is alterative and has been used in the treatment of chronic skin diseases. The flowers are expectorant and narcotic. The seed is antidote, cathartic, demulcent, emetic, expectorant and laxative. An infusion, in small quantities, is used as a sedative for children, but caution is advised since the oil in the seed is strongly purgative. They are useful in the treatment of coughs and catarrhal affections of the throat and pulmonary mucous membrane, and in pertussis and asthma. Though they do not appear to possess any antispasmodic property, they have a distinct effect on asthma, apparently from their combined actions as nauseant, emetic, expectorant and demulcent. As their use is often accompanied by some degree of vomiting and nausea, as a laxative medicine they are more suited to some pulmonary affections than to other diseases. The seed has also been used as an antidote to snake poisoning.
12 Tamarix troupii Hole Tamaricaceae Shrubs The bark is bitter and an astringent, tonic; fruit and leaves are useful for dysentery and chronic Diarrhea. Galls are astringent, given internally in dysentery and Diarrhea, A strong decoction of gall is recommended for foul and sloughing ulcers; infusion is used as a gargle for sore throat. Powdered galls mixed with oil or vaseline is used in ulcerating piles and anal fissures. As a mild purgative, decoction of the gall is suitable for children, as it causes soft motion without irritation of bowels. The twigs and leaves are vulnerary; their ash is carminative, diuretic, Hepatoprotective, resolvent of the hepatic and splenic inflammations. It enters in British pharmacopoeia for their highest containing tannic acid.
13 Waltheria americana L. Sterculiaceae Shrubs Bark is used to cure a sore throat. Juice from the tap root is combined with Noni and Olena to help cure colds. Flowers, buds, and older leaves and bark from the tap root are used in a concoction to treat asthma. Pain, inflammation, conditions of inflammation, Diarrhea, dysentery, conjunctivitis, wounds, abscess, epilepsy, convulsions, anemia, erectile dysfunctions, bladder ailments and asthma.
14 Abrus precatorius L. Fabaceae Shrubs Cough, Urinal disease, Brain tonic, abortifacient, contraceptive, emetic and irritant. The seeds are also antiperiodic, bitter, aphrodisiac, diaphoretic, emetic, expectorant and purgative. The seeds are used externally in the treatment of sciatica, hair loss, skin disease, leprosy, nervous debility and paralysis. The roots have been used to treat digestive disorders. The stem bark is emollient. A decoction is used as a treatment for stomach-ache, thrush, colds, coughs, sore throat and asthma. An extract of the bark is used as a treatment for cancer treatment
15 Cassia occidentalis L. Caesalpiniaceae / Fabaceae / Leguminosae Shrubs Skin diseases; The whole plant is diuretic, febrifuge, stomachic and tonic. It is used in the treatment of hypertension, dropsy, diabetes, fevers, biliousness, rheumatism, ringworm and eczema. The plant is boiled and gargled for treating throat troubles. Applied externally, it is pounded and mixed with wood-ash and rubbed on areas of leishmaniasis and eczema. The root is cholagogue, emetic and purgative. An infusion is used in the treatment of bilious fever, ordinary fever, stomach-ache, and to ease menstruation. A tincture of the root is rubbed onto rheumatic areas.
16 Leptadenia reticulata (Retz.) Wight Apocynaceae Shrubs Lactative; The plant is galactogogue, cooling, nutritive, aphrodisiac, stimulant, diuretic, and eyetonic. Useful to cure eye-diseases, seminal debility, general weakness, cough, dyspnoea, fever, asthma, constipation, sore throat, and gonorrhea. Extracts of roots and leaves of the plant act as anti-bacterial and anti-fungal agent. It promotes health and vigour, improves voice, alleviates the three dosas vata, pitta and kapha. It also cures eye diseases, hematemesis, emaciation, cough, dyspnoea, fever and burning sensation.
17 Solanum incanum L. Solanaceae Shrubs The plant is especially valued for its analgesic properties. All parts of the plant are used - usually the leaves, roots or fruits are used in decoction, or the roots are chewed or the sap swallowed. Conditions treated include a sore throat, angina, stomach-ache, colic, headache, painful menstruation, liver pain and pain caused by onchocerciasis, pleurisy, pneumonia and rheumatism. When used externally, the leaf paste, root infusions or the pounded fruits are rubbed into scarifications, the leaf sap is used for washing painful areas, and ash of burnt plants is mixed with fat and applied as an ointment. Conditions treated include skin infections, whitlow, ringworm, burns, sores, rashes, wounds, warts, carbuncles, ulcers and benign tumours.
18 Martynia annua L. Martyniaceae Shrubs Root decoction is administered for snake bite, leaf juice for epilepsy, tuberculosis and sore throat. Ash of fruit mixed with coconut oil is applied on burn. Seed oil applied on abscesses.
19 Solanum torvum Sw. Solanaceae Shrubs The juice of the plant is used to treat fevers, coughs, asthma, chest ailments, sore throats, rheumatism, dropsy, stomach aches and gonorrhea. The juice of the flowers, with salt added, is used as eye drops. The leaves are an effective anti-microbial and diuretic. An infusion is used as a treatment for thrush. The leaves are dried and ground to powder, this is used as a medicine for diabetic patients. The leaves are applied topically to treat cuts, wounds and skin diseases. A syrup prepared from the leaves and flowers is used as a treatment for colds. An infusion of the leaves and fruits is used as a treatment for bush yaws and sores. The fruit is diuretic. It is used in the treatment of malaria, stomach aches and problems with the spleen. A decoction is given to children as a treatment for coughs. The young fruits are used to improve the eyesight. A paste of the mature fruit is applied as a poultice to the forehead to treat headaches. The fruit juice is applied locally to ease the irritation of ant bites. A decoction of the root is used to treat venereal disease. The roots are boiled, lime juice is added, and the whole is drunk as a treatment for malaria. The juice of the roots is used to treat vomiting caused by weakness. The pounded root is inserted into the cavity of a decayed tooth to relieve toothache.
20 Sida cordifolia L. MALVACEAE Shrubs The plant is antipruritic, aphrodisiac, astringent, diuretic, emollient, febrifuge and tonic. It is considered to be useful in the treatment of respiratory system related troubles. The whole plant is boiled, and the water used as an herbal bath, or for washing the skin to relieve itching and the irritation of chickenpox and measles spots. The juiced plant is used as a treatment for rheumatism and spermatorrhea. The leaves are analgesic, demulcent, diuretic, emollient, febrifuge, nervine, stimulant and tonic. A decoction is drunk as a treatment for fevers. The leaves are pounded in water and the juice used in the treatment of spermatorrhea and gonorrhea. They are cooked and eaten as a treatment for bleeding piles. The fresh leaves are bruised and then applied as a poultice on boils in order to promote suppuration. They are used in the treatment of conjuctivitis. The stems are considered demulcent, emollient, febrifuge and diuretic. The bark is considered to be cooling. It is useful in the treatment of problems related to the blood, throat and urinary system; and is also used to treat conditions such as piles, phthisis, insanity etc. The root bark powder, combined with milk and sugar, is used in the treatment of frequent micturition and leukorrhea. The roots are considered to be astringent, cooling, stomachic and tonic. An infusion is used in the treatment of nervous and urinary diseases; and also for disorders of the blood and bile, asthma and as a heart tonic. Combined with ginger (Zingiber officinale), the root is used in the treatment of intermittent fevers with shivering fits. The juice of the roots is applied topically as a healing application for wounds.he seeds are considered aphrodisiac. They are used in the treatment of gonorrhea, cystitis, colds and tenesmus.
21 Casearia elliptica Willd. Salicaceae Tree Seeds: Cure early stage of peptic ulcer, to cure sore throat and mouth infections, anti-oxidant, anti-microbial
22 Sterculia urens Roxb. Sterculiaceae Tree Gum-tonic, Trees exude gum karaya used in foodstuffs as emulsifiers, stabilizers and thickeners. The gum is used as a bulk laxative. It is not absorbed by the body, but swells up inside the gut to provide a bulk of material that gently stimulates peristalsis. The gum is also used to treat throat infections.
23 Grewia tiliifolia Vahl. Malvaceae Tree Antioxidant, Antiproliferative, Anticancer, pitta and kapha, burning sensation, hyperdipsia, rhinopathy, ulcers, skin diseases, haematemesis and general debility (Warrier et al., 1995) jaundice, throat pain, wound healing, urinary infection, dysentery The bark is astringent, sweet, acrid, refrigerant, oleaginous, expectorant, antipruritic, vulnerary, constipating, emetic, styptic, aphrodisiac and tonic. The barks and roots of G. tiliaefolia are used to treat skin diseases, hypertension, ulcers,Diarrhea, in?ammatory bowel diseases,pruritis, jaundice, burning sensation, thirst,throat complaints, biliousness, dysentery,infectious diseases, and diseases of the nose and of the blood
24 Mangifera indica L. Anacardiaceae Tree The leaves are astringent and odontalgic. An infusion is drunk to reduce blood pressure and as a treatment for conditions such as angina, asthma, coughs and diabetes. Externally, the leaves are used in a convalescent bath. A mouthwash made from the leaves is effective in hardening the gums and helping to treat dental problems. The leaves are used to treat skin irritations. The charred and pulverized leaves are used to make a plaster for removing warts and also act as a styptic. The seed is astringent, antiDiarrheal; anthelmintic when roasted. It is used to treat stubborn colds and coughs, obstinate Diarrhea and bleeding piles. The pulverised seed is made into a sweetened tea and drunk, or taken as powders, for treating dysentery. The seeds are ground up and used to treat scorpion stings. The bark is astringent, homeostatic and antirheumatic. Used in the treatment of haemorrhage, Diarrhea and throat problems. When incised, the bark yields an oleoresin which is stimulant, sudorific and antisyphilitic. The stem is astringent. It is used to treat Diarrhea and to remedy stomach-ache. The roots are diuretic. The flowers are aphrodisiac. The fruit is antiscorbutic and antidysenteric.Various parts of plant are used as a dentrifrice, anti-septic, astringent, diaphoretic, stomachic, vermifuge, tonic, laxative and diuretic and to treat Diarrhea, dysentery, anaemia, asthma, bronchitis, cough, hypertension, insomnia, rheumatism, toothache, Leucorrhoea, haemorrhage and piles. All parts are used to treat abscesses, broken horn, rabid dog or jackal bite, tumour, snake bite, stings, datura poisoning, heat stroke, miscarriage, anthrax, blisters, wounds in the mouth, tympanitis, colic, Diarrhea, glossitis, indigestion, bacillosis, bloody dysentery, liver disorders, excessive urination, tetanus and asthma.
25 Tamarindus indica L. Fabaceae Tree The bark is astringent and tonic and its ash may be given internally as a digestive. Incorporated into lotions or poultices, the bark may be used to relives sores, ulcers, boils and rashes. It may also be administered as a decoction against asthma and amenorrhea and as a febrifuge. Leaf extracts exhibit anti-oxidant activity in the liver, and are a common ingredient in cardiac and blood sugar reducing medicines. Young leaves may be used in fomentation for rheumatism, applied to sores and wounds, or administered as a poultice for inflammation of joints to reduce swelling and relieve pain. A sweetened decoction of the leaves is good against throat infection, cough, fever, and even intestinal worms. The filtered hot juice of young leaves, and a poultice of the flowers, is used for conjunctivitis. The leaves are warmed and tied to affected areas in order to relieve swellings and pains, particularly sprains. They are also used for bathing sores or to bathe persons suffering from measles or allergies. The leaves and flowers are used to make a sweetened tea that is drunk by children as a remedy for measles. They were also used in a preparation which was drunk in early Guyana as a malaria remedy. A decoction of the flower buds is used as a remedy for children's bedwetting and urinary complaints. The fruit is aperient and laxative. A syrup made from the ripe fruit is drunk in order to keep the digestive organs in good condition, and also as a remedy for coughs and chest colds. The flesh of the fruit is eaten to cure fevers and control gastric acid. The fruit pulp may be used as a massage to treat rheumatism, as an acid refrigerant, a mild laxative and also to treat scurvy. Powdered seeds may be given to cure dysentery and Diarrhea. The plant contains pyrazines and thiazoles. The seed contains polyoses. The bark yields proanthocyanidin and hordenine. It is used traditionally in abdominal pain, Diarrhea and dysentery, helminthes infections, wound healing, malaria and fever, constipation, inflammation, cell cytotoxicity, gonorrhea, and eye diseases.
26 Terminalia bellirica (Gaertn.) Roxb. Combretaceae Tree It is anthelmintic, astringent (especially when ripe), digestive, tonic and laxative (especially when unripe). The fruit is used internally principally in the treatment of digestive and respiratory problems. the ripe fruit is used in cases of Diarrhea and indigestion, whilst the unripe fruit is used as a laxative in cases of chronic constipation. The fruit is often used to treat upper respiratory tract infections that cause symptoms of sore throats, hoarseness and coughs. Externally, the fruit is used to make a lotion for sore eyes. The sour fruits are one of the ingredients of 'triphala', an Ayurvedic rejuvenative, laxative tonic based on this species plus the fruits of Phyllanthus emblica and Terminalia chebula.
27 Terminalia chebula Retz. Combretaceae Tree The treatment of asthma, sore throat, vomiting, hiccough, Diarrhea, dysentery, bleeding piles, ulcers, gout, heart and bladder diseases. The plant has been demonstrated to possess multiple pharmacological and medicinal activities, such as anti-oxidant, anti-microbial, anti-diabetic, Hepatoprotective, anti-inflammatory, antimutagenic, antiproliferative, radioprotective, cardioprotective, antiarthritic, anticaries, gastrointestinal motility and wound healing activity.
28 Schrebera swietenioides Roxb. Oleaceae Tree The roots, bark and leaves are bitter, acrid, appetising, digestive, thermogenic, stomachic, depurative, constipating urinary astringent and anthelmintic. They are useful in treating a range of conditions including indigestion, skin diseases, leprosy, anaemia, boils and burns and rectal disorders. The bark is used to treat diseases of the throat, anaemia, bleeding piles and diabetes. The fruits are reported to be useful in curing hydrocele. The roots are used in the treatment of leprosy.
29 Tectona grandis L. f. Verbenaceae Tree It is vermifuge; promotes digestion; is effective in relieving bilious headaches and toothaches; reduces inflammations or eruptions of the skin. The charred wood, soaked in poppy juice and made into a paste, has been used to relieve the swelling of the eyelids. The wood has been used as a hair tonic. An oil extracted from the roots is used to treat eczema, ringworms and inflammation. The bark has been used as an astringent and in the treatment of bronchitis. The flowers are diuretic. They are used to treat biliousness, bronchitis and urinary disorders. The seeds are diuretic. An oil extracted from the seeds promotes hair growth. The leaves have a reputation of being diuretic, depurative, purgative, stimulant, antidysenteric and vermifuge. They are used in traditional medicine to treat anaemia, asthenia, fever and malaria, amoebiasis, schistosomiasis and tuberculosis. Extracts of the leaves are reported to be effective against mycobacterium tuberculosis, to treat bleeding of larynx, trachea, bronchi, or lungs, and sore throat. An oil extracted from the tender shoots is used against scabies in children. Medicinally it has various pharmacological activities like anti-bacterial, anti-oxidant, anti-fungal, anti-inflammatory, anti-pyretic, analgesic, anti-diuretic, and hypoglycemic.
30 Trema orientalis (L.) Blume Ulmaceae Tree The plant is vermifuge, and is known to have anti-plasmodium properties. Both bark and leaf decoctions are used as a gargle, inhalation, drink, lotion, bath or vapour bath for coughs, sore throat, asthma, bronchitis, gonorrhea, yellow fever, toothache. The leaves are reported to be a general anti-dote to poisons. A bark infusion is drunk to control dysentery. A tea made from small pieces of the roasted wood is used to treat dysentery.
31 Acacia chundra (Rottler)Willd. MIMOSOIDEAE Tree The bark and leaves are used for ulcerated abscesses and toothache; wood for leucoderma. anti-bacterial, anti-cancer, anti-Diarrheal, anti-inflammatory, anti-microbial, anti-oxidant, anti-pyretic, anti-ulcer, antisecretory, Hepatoprotective, hypoglycaemic, sore throat and wound healing
32 Eucalyptus globulus Labill. MYRTACEAE Tree The essential oil found in the leaves is a powerful anti-septic and is used all over the world for relieving coughs and colds, sore throats and other infections. The essential oil is a common ingredient in many over-the-counter cold remedies. The adult leaves, without their petioles, are antiperiodic, anti-septic, aromatic, deodorant, expectorant, febrifuge, hypoglycaemic and stimulant. The leaves, and the essential oil they contain, are anti-septic, antispasmodic, astringent, expectorant, febrifuge, haemostatic, stimulant, tonic and vermifuge. Extracts of the leaves have anti-bacterial activity. The essential oil obtained from various species of eucalyptus is a very powerful anti-septic, especially when it is old, because ozone is formed in it on exposure to air. It has a decided disinfectant action, destroying the lower forms of life. The oil can be used externally, applied to cuts, skin infections etc, it can also be inhaled for treating blocked nasal passages, it can be gargled for sore throat and can also be taken internally for a wide range of complaints. The essential oil is used in aromatherapy. Its keyword is 'Respiratory system'.
33 Limonia acidissima Linn. RUTACEAE Tree It is used mainly as a liver tonic to stimulate the digestive system. The fruit is also astringent, especially when unripe, and a cardiac tonic. The pulp of the fruit, especially when unripe, is used in the treatment of Diarrhea and dysentery. The fruit is also seen as an effective treatment for hiccough, sore throat and diseases of the gums. Both the fruit pulp and the powdered rind can be poulticed onto bites and stings of venomous insects. They are astringent and are used internally, often combined with milk and sugar, in the treatment of indigestion, flatulence, Diarrhea, dysentery (especially in children) and haemorrhoids. The powdered gum, mixed with honey, is given to overcome dysentery and Diarrhea in children. The spines are crushed with those of other trees and an infusion taken as a remedy for menorrhagia. The bark is chewed with that of Barringtonia and applied on venomous wounds.
34 Acacia ferruginea DC. MIMOSOIDEAE Tree A bark decoction, in conjunction with ginger is frequently used as an astringent for the teeth. The bark of all Acacia species contains greater or lesser quantities of tannins and are astringent. Astringents are often used medicinally - taken internally, for example. they are used in the treatment of Diarrhea and dysentery, and can also be helpful in cases of internal bleeding. Applied externally, often as a wash, they are used to treat wounds and other skin problems, haemorrhoids, perspiring feet, some eye problems, as a mouth wash etc. This is sometimes taken internally in the treatment of Diarrhea and haemorrhoids. used for treating various skin infections, itching, leucoderma, ulcers, inflammation of the mucous lining of the mouth and throat. The plant is also credited for treatment of helminthiasis. dysentery, piles and diabetes.