Botanical Name Plant's Common Name Plant Family   


    AQUATIC : 0     BAMBOO : 0     CLIMBERS : 1     GRASSES : 0     HERBS : 10     ORCHIDS : 1     SHRUBS : 15     TREES : 17

 Sr. No.   Medicinal Plant's Name   Plant's Family   Plant category   Medicinal Uses 
1 Pergularia daemia (Forssk.) Chiov. Asclepiadaceae Climbers Traditionally it has been used as an elmintic, laxative, anti-pyretic and expectorant, besides treatment of infantile Diarrhea, malarial intermittent fevers, toothaches and colds. Studies have shown Hepatoprotective, anti-fertility, anti-diabetic, analgesic, anti-pyretic and anti-inflammatory properties of substances in its aerial parts. Used for uterine and menstrual troubles and to facilitate parturition. Juice of the leaves is considered useful in asthmatic affections and infantile Diarrhea; along with lime and ginger applied to rheumatic swellings. Pulp of fresh leaves are used as a stimulating poultice in carbuncle with good effect. Root bark is given as an anthelmintic; mixed with cow’s milk as a purgative in rheumatic cases (Yusuf et al. 2009).
2 Bidens biternata (Lour.) Merr. & Sherff Asteraceae / Compositae Herbs Plant given in leprosy and skin diseases. Also useful in fistulae, pustules, tumours, phthisis, coughs, bites, stabs and other wounds. Infusion of leaf and root, a remedy for colic, juice of leaves applied to heal ulcers and to cure eye and ear problems. Rrubbed leaves are also used as a haemostatic on wounds, and wrapped around the umbilical cord of babies. Dried flower buds used in toothache. Flowers used in diarrohoia. Plant juice is used for eyesores. Seeds are used to cure anthelminthic problems in animals. Used to treat eye and ear affections (leaf juice); applied to skin affections in general, as a haemostatic on wounds, and wrapped around the umbilical cord of babies (rubbed leaves). The leaf juice is used to treat eye and ear affections. The rubbed leaves are applied to skin affections in general, as a haemostatic on wounds, and wrapped around the umbilical cord of babies. The seeds are applied as an anthelmintic in animals.
3 Sonchus oleraceus L. Asteraceae / Compositae Herbs It is used medicinally to treat Diarrhea, menstrual problems, fever, inflammation and warts. As abortifacient as a cathartic, a sedative, cancer treatment, a vermisides aid for toothache. Plant is useful in liver diseases. Leaves and roots are used in indegestion as febrifuge; stem is used as sedative, tonic; root extract is used in ointments for ulcers and wounds. Gum produced by evaporating latex is used for ascites and hydrothorax. enteritis, Diarrhea, pneumonia, hepatitis, appendicitis, chronic bronchopneumonia, icterus, throat swelling, haematemesis and uraemia
4 Spilanthes calva DC. Asteraceae Herbs Stammering, toothache, stomatitis, diuretic, Anti-viral; anti-pyretic; anti-inflammatory; anti-oxidant;
5 Nicandra physaloides (L.) Scop. Solanaceae Herbs Diuretic, sedative, cough, amoebiasis, anti-pyretic, constipation, laxative, analgesic, anthelmintic, anti-biotic, anti-inflammatory, toothache; Leaf juice given in amoebic dysentery (Bhogaonkar and Devarkar 2002).
6 Solanum surattense Burm. f. Solanaceae Herbs Panchang (whole herb including roots) and berries, have anthelmintic property, useful in bronchitis, asthma, fever relieving, thirst and given in urinary concretions. The leaves have good application for piles. The fruit is laxative. Fumigations with the vapour of the burning seeds of this plant are found useful for the cure of toothache. Plant used as diuretic, in dropsy, leaves applied locally to relieve pain in rheumatism.
7 Dipteracanthus patulus (Jacq.) Nees Acanthaceae Herbs treatment of wounds, leaves are used for treating itches, insect bites, sores, eye diseases, tumours, skin diseases, rheumatic complaints, renal affections, dental problems and insect bites. treatment of gonorrhea, syphilis, eye sore, renal infection, cough, wounds, scalds, toothache, stomachache and kidney stones
8 Plectranthus rugosus Wall. ex Benth. Lamiaceae / Labiatae Herbs The plant is used in traditional medical practices in toothache and is claimed to be effective as an anti-septic, a hypoglycaemic, an anti-Diarrheal and a bronchodilator. An extract of leaves is also used to treat hypertension, fevers, rheumatism and toothache.
9 Aerva javanica (Burm. f.) Juss. ex Schult. Amaranthaceae Herbs Seeds are believed to cure headaches. A gargle is made from the plant to try to treat toothache. Uses in Skin Diseases.
10 Stylosanthes fruticosa (Retz.) Alston. Fabaceae / Leguminosae Herbs treatment of toothache and strengthening of gums, anthelmintic, kidney diseases, analgesic, anti-inflammatory, Hepatoprotective, antihyperglycaemic, antihyperglycaemic and anti-cancer.
11 Agave americana L. Agavaceae Herbs The sap can also be taken internally in the treatment of diarrhoea, dysentery. The sap is antiseptic, diaphoretic, diuretic, emmenagogue and laxative. An infusion of the chopped leaf is purgative and the juice of the leaves is applied to bruises. The plant is used internally in the treatment of indigestion, flatulence, constipation, jaundice and dysentery. The sap has disinfectant properties and can be taken internally to check the growth of putrefactive bacteria in the stomach and intestines. Water in which agave fibre has been soaked for a day can be used as a scalp disinfectant and tonic in cases of falling hair. A gum from the root and leaf is used in the treatment of toothache. The roots are steeped in water, and the water ingested for treating various ailments such as stomach pain, painful and difficult urination, scurvy, swollen and bleeding pulp of teeth, swollen bones, constipation, and poor appetite or loss of appetite.
12 Vanda tessellata (Roxb.) Hook. ex G.Don Orchidaceae Orchid The roots are alexiteric and anti-pyretic; useful in dyspepsia, bronchitis, inflammations, piles and hiccup. Externally the root is used in rheumatism and allied disorders and diseases of the nervous system. It is also employed as a remedy for secondary syphilis and scorpion stings. The juice of the leaves is used topically in otitis and a paste of them finds use as a febrifuge. The roots possess significant anti-inflammatory activity and exhibit potent analgesic effects combined with a relatively low toxicity. In the Yunani system, the root is used as a tonic for the liver and brain; effective against bronchitis, piles, lumbago, toothache, and boils of the scalp; it also is said to lessen inflammation and heal fractures. The root is said to be fragrant, bitter and useful in rheumatism and allied disorders, in which it is prescribed in a variety of forms. It is also used in the composition of several medicated oils for external application in rheumatism and diseases of the nervous system. In Chota Nagpur, the leaves are pounded into a paste and then applied to the body during fever. A compound decoction of this root is administered in cases of Hemiplegia as some Indian physicians consider it useful in rheumatism and all nervous diseases. The leaves are pounded and the paste is applied to the body to bring down fever; the juice is dropped in the ear for the treatment of Otitis media and other inflammatory conditions. The roots are used in Dyspepsia, Bronchitis, Rheumatism, and also in fever; they are reported to possess anti-bacterial and anti-tubercular properties. The herb is also used for Sciatica. The leaves are used by the Santhal girls for making anklets.
13 Abelmoschus manihot (L.) Medik. Malvaceae Shrubs Sexual Power; The bark is said to be emmenagogue. A paste of the bark is used to treat wounds and cuts, with new paste being applied every 2 - 3 days for about 3 weeks. In Nepal the root juice is warmed and applied to sprains. The juice of the flowers is used to treat chronic bronchitis and toothache.
14 Sida acuta Burm. f. Malvaceae Shrubs A decoction of the whole plant is used as a treatment for fevers. The juice of the plant is used to treat indigestion. The plant is ground and mixed with soft grease and sugar to make a poultice that is applied to soften abscesses and release pus. The leaves are diuretic. An infusion is used to treat dysentery. The juice of the leaves is mixed with vinegar to make an anti-inflammatory and digestive remedy. A decoction of the leaves is used to bathe wounds. The leaves are applied to the head as a poultice to remedy headache. A poultice made from the boiled leaves is applied to ulcers and other sores. The root is febrifuge. The juice of the root is used to treat fevers. The root is chewed to relieve a toothache. The roots contain asparagine. The leaf contains mucilage and saponins. The plant contains the alkaloid cryptolepine, which shows hypotensive and anti-microbial action.
15 Urena lobata L. Malvaceae Shrubs The plant is used as a diuretic, febrifuge, and for treatment of rheumatism, malaria, gonorrhea, wound, and toothache. A paste of the fruit is used to treat Diarrhea.
16 Desmodium gangeticum (L.) DC. Fabaceae Shrubs A decoction of the leaves is used against stones in the gall bladder, kidneys or bladder. The leaves are applied as a poultice to the head as a treatment for headache. The roots are considered to be alterative, astringent, bitter tonic, diuretic, expectorant and febrifuge. A decoction of the root is employed to treat kidney problems, oedema, swellings, chronic fever, coughs, biliousness, Diarrhea and dysentery; or as a sedative for children. The roots are applied to the gums as a treatment for toothache. A decoction is used externally to clean wounds and ulcers. The whole plant is considered to be anthelmintic. anti-oxidant, cardio-protective, anti-inflammatory, anti-ulcer, anti-diabetic, nootropic, anti-leshmanial, immunomodulatory activity;
17 Indigofera tinctoria L. Fabaceae Shrubs Eye problems; A leaf infusion (sometimes combined with honey or milk) is used to treat a range of disorders including epilepsy and nervous disorders; asthma and bronchitis; fever; complaints of the stomach, liver, kidney and spleen; and as a rabies prophylactic. Applied externally, the leaves are made into an ointment for treating skin diseases, wounds, sores, ulcers and haemorrhoids. A tincture of the seed is used in India to kill lice. A root preparation is applied to relieve toothache, syphilis, gonorrhea and kidney stones. A watery root paste is applied topically in India to treat worm-infested wounds. A root infusion is used there as an anti-dote against snake bites and to treat insect and scorpion stings.
18 Calotropis gigantea (L.) W.T. Aiton Asclepiadaceae Shrubs The milky sap (latex) coagulates when warm and is said to have similar cardiac properties to digitalis (from various Digitalis spp.). It is also considered to be anti-septic, emetic, purgative and vermifuge. It is used in the treatment of a variety of other conditions including dysentery, leprosy, elephantiasis, epilepsy, asthma and many other complaints. Mixed with salt, it is taken orally as an emetic for treating severe colds. The latex is applied to sprains, body pains, boils and pimples. The milky latex is used externally to stop bleeding, and for treating a wide range of conditions including leprosy, rheumatism, ringworm, boils, scabies, stings, burns, bruises, cuts, sores and wounds. It is applied to the gums and teeth to treat caries and toothaches
19 Solanum violaceum Ortega Solanaceae Shrubs The fruits are diuretic and expectorant. They are an effective treatment against diabetes, and even seem to be capable of curing it. They are also used for relieving cough and alleviating toothache. Applied externally, they are used for treating skin diseases.
20 Barleria prionitis L. Acanthaceae Shrubs utilized for treatment of toothache, catarrhal affections, whooping cough, inflammations, glandular swellings, urinary infection, jaundice, fever, gastrointestinal disorders and as diuretic and tonic.
21 Lantana camara L. Verbenaceae Shrubs Lantana essential oil is sometimes used for the treatment of skin itches, as an anti-septic for wounds, and externally for leprosy and scabies. It is applied as a poultice on rheumatic joints. The root is sweet and bitter tasting, refrigerant, antifebrile. A decoction is used to treat influenza, cough, mumps, incessant high fever, malaria, cervical lymph node tuberculosis, asthma, toothache, headache, inflammation, gonorrhea and Leucorrhoea. The flowers are sweet tasting, mildly cooling and haemostatic. A decoction of the dried flowers is used in the treatment of haemoptysis and pulmonary tuberculosis. The leaves are aromatic with a minty taste, they have a cooling nature, are antiphlogistic, anti-dermatosic, diaphoretic, febrifuge, pectoral, stimulant, tonic and vulnerary. An infusion of the leaves and flowering tops is used in the treatment of fevers, constipation, tuberculosis, catarrh and bronchitis.
22 Jatropha curcas L. Euphorbiaceae Shrubs The juice of the bark is used in the treatment of malarial fevers, and is also useful in reducing swellings caused by inflammation. This juice is also applied externally to treat burns, scabies, eczema and ringworm. The fresh bark is cut into small pieces and chewed or kept in the mouth for 1 - 2 hours in order to treat pyorrhoea. A paste of the bark is applied to the gums to treat wounds and swellings of the gums. The thin twigs are popularly used in Nepal as toothbrushes to treat toothache. They are considered especially good for treating bleeding and swollen gums. A leaf infusion is used as a diuretic, for bathing, to treat coughs, and as an enema in treating convulsions and fits. The leaves are also used to treat jaundice, fevers, rheumatic pains, guinea worm sores and poor development of the foetus in pregnant women. In Ghana the ashes from the burnt leaves are applied by rectal injection for treating haemorrhoids. The juice of the leaves, or the latex, is applied directly to wounds and cuts as a styptic and astringent to clean teeth, gums, and to treat sores on the tongue and in the mouth. It is also considered useful for treating decayed teeth.
23 Phyllanthus maderaspatensis L. Phyllanthaceae Shrubs The plant sap and leaf decoction are credited with emetic and purgative activities. Plant sap is used as nose drops to treat toothache. Ground leaves are rubbed on the skin with lemon juice as treatment for rheumatism. The seeds are carminative, diuretic and laxative. The plant is used as an aphrodisiac. The plant is widely used in India to treat headache, bronchitis, earache and ophthalmia. Powder from dried plant material mixed with milk is drunk to treat jaundice. The whole plant is pounded and boiled, then the solution used for washing areas of the body affected by scabies. A root decoction is taken to cure constipation, Diarrhea, lack of appetite, intestinal pain, menstrual problems, gastrointestinal disorders, testicular swelling, chest complaints and snake bites.
24 Solanum torvum Sw. Solanaceae Shrubs The juice of the plant is used to treat fevers, coughs, asthma, chest ailments, sore throats, rheumatism, dropsy, stomach aches and gonorrhea. The juice of the flowers, with salt added, is used as eye drops. The leaves are an effective anti-microbial and diuretic. An infusion is used as a treatment for thrush. The leaves are dried and ground to powder, this is used as a medicine for diabetic patients. The leaves are applied topically to treat cuts, wounds and skin diseases. A syrup prepared from the leaves and flowers is used as a treatment for colds. An infusion of the leaves and fruits is used as a treatment for bush yaws and sores. The fruit is diuretic. It is used in the treatment of malaria, stomach aches and problems with the spleen. A decoction is given to children as a treatment for coughs. The young fruits are used to improve the eyesight. A paste of the mature fruit is applied as a poultice to the forehead to treat headaches. The fruit juice is applied locally to ease the irritation of ant bites. A decoction of the root is used to treat venereal disease. The roots are boiled, lime juice is added, and the whole is drunk as a treatment for malaria. The juice of the roots is used to treat vomiting caused by weakness. The pounded root is inserted into the cavity of a decayed tooth to relieve toothache.
25 Dichrostachys cinerea (L.)Wight & Arn. MIMOSOIDEAE Shrubs The bark is astringent and vermifuge. It is used in the treatment of dysentery, headaches, toothaches and elephantiasis. The root is anthelmintic, purgative and strongly diuretic. Infusions are taken for the treatment of snake bites, leprosy, syphilis and coughs. A decoction of the root has been used as a contraceptive for women. The pounded roots and leaves are used to treat epilepsy. The roots or the leaves can be chewed and placed on the sites of snake bites and scorpion stings. The leaves are diuretic and laxative. Applied externally, they are believed to produce a local anaesthesia. They are used in treating gonorrhea, boils, sore eyes and toothaches. A powder from the leaves is used in the massage of fractures. A chloroform extract of the leaves has been shown to possess anti-bacterial and analgesic activites. A saponin extract of the leaves has been demonstrated to possess anti-inflammatory activity An aqueous extract of the leaves has been shown to possess analgesic and anti-inflammatory activities.
26 Abutilon hirtum MALVACEAE Shrubs The plant (part not specified) is used to ease childbirth and to expel the placenta. The plant is used as a poultice to ease the pain of kidney gravel and is often mixed with glutinous rice and applied to ulcers. The roots are anti-pyretic and also used in the treatment of coughs and toothache. The leaves or flowers are applied to abscesses.
27 Acacia jacquemontii Benth MIMOSOIDEAE Shrubs They are used in the treatment of Diarrhea and dysentery, and can also be helpful in cases of internal bleeding. Applied externally, often as a wash, they are used to treat wounds and other skin problems, haemorrhoids, perspiring feet, some eye problems, as a mouth wash. This is sometimes taken internally in the treatment of Diarrhea and haemorrhoids. Powdered bark is used against snake bite and scorpion sting, and for inducing spontaneous abortion. Gum is used for the treatment of kidney and renal disorders. Boiled gum is used for curing asthma,mouth sores, and toothache.
28 Ziziphus rugosa Lam. Rahamnaceae Tree A paste made from the bark is applied as a poultice on swollen gums and to toothaches. The flowers, combined with an equal quantity of the petioles of betel leaves and half as much lime is used to make a pill that is used in the treatment of menorrhagia.
29 Mangifera indica L. Anacardiaceae Tree The leaves are astringent and odontalgic. An infusion is drunk to reduce blood pressure and as a treatment for conditions such as angina, asthma, coughs and diabetes. Externally, the leaves are used in a convalescent bath. A mouthwash made from the leaves is effective in hardening the gums and helping to treat dental problems. The leaves are used to treat skin irritations. The charred and pulverized leaves are used to make a plaster for removing warts and also act as a styptic. The seed is astringent, antiDiarrheal; anthelmintic when roasted. It is used to treat stubborn colds and coughs, obstinate Diarrhea and bleeding piles. The pulverised seed is made into a sweetened tea and drunk, or taken as powders, for treating dysentery. The seeds are ground up and used to treat scorpion stings. The bark is astringent, homeostatic and antirheumatic. Used in the treatment of haemorrhage, Diarrhea and throat problems. When incised, the bark yields an oleoresin which is stimulant, sudorific and antisyphilitic. The stem is astringent. It is used to treat Diarrhea and to remedy stomach-ache. The roots are diuretic. The flowers are aphrodisiac. The fruit is antiscorbutic and antidysenteric.Various parts of plant are used as a dentrifrice, anti-septic, astringent, diaphoretic, stomachic, vermifuge, tonic, laxative and diuretic and to treat Diarrhea, dysentery, anaemia, asthma, bronchitis, cough, hypertension, insomnia, rheumatism, toothache, Leucorrhoea, haemorrhage and piles. All parts are used to treat abscesses, broken horn, rabid dog or jackal bite, tumour, snake bite, stings, datura poisoning, heat stroke, miscarriage, anthrax, blisters, wounds in the mouth, tympanitis, colic, Diarrhea, glossitis, indigestion, bacillosis, bloody dysentery, liver disorders, excessive urination, tetanus and asthma.
30 Pterocarpus marsupium Roxb. Fabaceae Tree Blood sugar reduces; The resin obtained from wounds in the bark is astringent. It is used in the treatment of chronic Diarrhea and the irritation caused by gastric infection and colitis. Although it has an unpleasant flavour, it makes a good mouthwash and gargle. It is commonly used in cases of toothache and also as a douche to treat vaginal discharge. The bark is used, either as a powder or in decoction, in the treatment of Diarrhea. A decoction of the bark is very useful for diabetic patients. The bruised leaves are used as a poultice on boils, sores and skin diseases.
31 Wrightia tinctoria Roem. Apocynaceae Tree Warmicide, Kadu indrajav; The bark is used in the treatment of dysentery. The dried and powdered bark is rubbed over the body in the treatment of dropsy. The seeds are anthelmintic, aphrodisiac, astringent and febrifuge. They are used in the treatment of fevers, Diarrhea and dysentery, intestinal worms. The leaves are used to relieve toothache when chewed with salt. The leaves and roots are pounded in water for treatment of fever. The bark and leaves are used to treat psoriasis, stomach pains, toothache, and dysentery. The milky juice is used to stop bleeding.
32 Oroxylum indicum (L.) Kurz Bignoniaceae Tree Ear problems; anti-cancer, anti-oxidant, Hepatoprotective and immunomodulaory; The bitter bark of the root is astringent, blood purifier and tonic. It is used in the treatment of stomach complaints, Diarrhea and dysentery. An alcoholic maceration of the fresh bark is externally applied on allergic dermatitis. When mixed with turmeric, the bark is used for healing sores of animals. The root is credited with antirheumatic, antidysenteric and diuretic properties. The seeds and bark are used medicinally for alleviating body pain, especially during fevers, and as an antiphlogistic medicine. It is also applied to burns and wounds. The juice of the bark is taken internally to treat Diarrhea and dysentery. A decoction of the bark is refrigerant, used in the treatment of fevers and jaundice. A decoction of the leaves is drunk as a treatment for stomach-ache. Applied externally the leaves are employed in the treatment of cholera, fever, childbirth and rheumatic swellings. The boiled leaves are used as a poultice during and after childbirth, and in dysentery as well as for an enlarged spleen. Leaf poultices may be further applied for toothache and headache. The seed is expectorant and laxative. A decoction is used in treating coughs, bronchitis and gastritis. The seeds are applied externally to ulcers.
33 Tectona grandis L. f. Verbenaceae Tree It is vermifuge; promotes digestion; is effective in relieving bilious headaches and toothaches; reduces inflammations or eruptions of the skin. The charred wood, soaked in poppy juice and made into a paste, has been used to relieve the swelling of the eyelids. The wood has been used as a hair tonic. An oil extracted from the roots is used to treat eczema, ringworms and inflammation. The bark has been used as an astringent and in the treatment of bronchitis. The flowers are diuretic. They are used to treat biliousness, bronchitis and urinary disorders. The seeds are diuretic. An oil extracted from the seeds promotes hair growth. The leaves have a reputation of being diuretic, depurative, purgative, stimulant, antidysenteric and vermifuge. They are used in traditional medicine to treat anaemia, asthenia, fever and malaria, amoebiasis, schistosomiasis and tuberculosis. Extracts of the leaves are reported to be effective against mycobacterium tuberculosis, to treat bleeding of larynx, trachea, bronchi, or lungs, and sore throat. An oil extracted from the tender shoots is used against scabies in children. Medicinally it has various pharmacological activities like anti-bacterial, anti-oxidant, anti-fungal, anti-inflammatory, anti-pyretic, analgesic, anti-diuretic, and hypoglycemic.
34 Trema orientalis (L.) Blume Ulmaceae Tree The plant is vermifuge, and is known to have anti-plasmodium properties. Both bark and leaf decoctions are used as a gargle, inhalation, drink, lotion, bath or vapour bath for coughs, sore throat, asthma, bronchitis, gonorrhea, yellow fever, toothache. The leaves are reported to be a general anti-dote to poisons. A bark infusion is drunk to control dysentery. A tea made from small pieces of the roasted wood is used to treat dysentery.
35 Ficus benghalensis L. Moraceae Tree Blood Sugar reduces, Hair tonic; The leaves are used to remedy dysentery and Diarrhea. They are used in a decoction with toasted rice as a diaphoretic. The young leaves are heated and used as a poultice. They are applied to abscesses as a poultice to promote suppurations and discharge of pus. The concentrated latex, combined with the fruit, is aphrodisiac and is used to treat spermatorrhoea and gonorrhea. Mixed with sugar, it is used as a treatment for dysentery in children. The milky latex in the plant is applied topicaly to treat toothache, bruises, painful areas, rheumatic joints and lumbago. It is dripped into wounds in order to kill or expel germs, and is applied to treat bleeding and swelling of the gums. The bark is tonic and diuretic. An infusion is anti-diabetic and a decoction is used as an astringent in the treatment of Leucorrhoea. A decoction of the root fibres is useful as a treatment against gonorrhea, whereas the tender ends of the aerial roots are used for obstinate vomiting. An infusion of the twigs is a useful remedy for haemoptysis. The milky latex is used against pains and fever, rheumatism and lumbago, toothache, and applied to cracked and inflamed soles. The fruit is tonic and has a cooling effect.
36 Phoenix sylvestris (L.) Roxb. Arecaceae Tree The fruit is good in heart complaints, abdominal complaints, fevers, vomiting and loss of consciousness. The fruit pounded and mixed with almonds, quince seeds, pistachio nuts and sugar, form a restorative remedy. The juice obtained from the tree is considered to be a cooling beverage. The roots are used to stop toothache. The central tender part of the plant is used in the treatment of gonorrhea. The plant exhibits many pharmacological activities having anti oxidant, anthelmintic, anti-microbial, cytotoxic, erythropioetic, antiDiarrheal, analgesic, diuretic, anti-ulcer, antihypertensive and anti-diabetic properties.
37 Acacia chundra (Rottler)Willd. MIMOSOIDEAE Tree The bark and leaves are used for ulcerated abscesses and toothache; wood for leucoderma. anti-bacterial, anti-cancer, anti-Diarrheal, anti-inflammatory, anti-microbial, anti-oxidant, anti-pyretic, anti-ulcer, antisecretory, Hepatoprotective, hypoglycaemic, sore throat and wound healing
38 Alstonia scholaris (L.) R. Br. APOCYNACEAE Tree The bark is a bitter, astringent, alterative herb that lowers fevers, relaxes spasms, stimulates lactation and expels intestinal worms. It is anthelmintic, anticholeric, antispasmodic, astringent, emmenagogue, febrifuge, tonic and vulnerary. It is used to treat bowel complaints, abdominal pains, fevers and irregular menstruation, and has proved a valuable remedy for chronic Diarrhea and the advanced stages of dysentery. A decoction is applied as a wash for skin diseases, and as a gargle. he latex obtained from the bark is considered to be powerfully tonic, vermifuge. It has been used for treating neuralgia and toothache. It is also used as an anti-malarial drug. The latex is drunk in small amounts as a poison anti-dote.The leaves are used for treating beriberi, dropsy and congested liver. A poultice made from the leaves has been reported as a good remedy against skin diseases. An infusion of the crushed leaves is used to clean infected wounds
39 Anacardium occidentale L. ANACARDIACEAE Tree The leaves are febrifuge. They are used in west Africa in the treatment of malaria. In India and Africa the leaves are used to treat toothache and gum problems. The leaves can be harvested at any time and dried for later use. The bark is astringent, rubefacient and vesicant. Research has shown that it is also hypoglycaemic, having the ability to reduce blood sugar levels. The bark is used in Ayurvedic medicine to detoxify snake bites. Leaf and bark infusions are used in the treatment of toothache and sore gums, whilst the bark and leaf extracts and fruit juice are taken internally to treat Diarrhea. The fruit is anti-scorbutic, astringent and diuretic. Cashew syrup is a good remedy for coughs and colds. Cashew apple juice is said to be effective for the treatment of syphilis, and is also used in the treatment of cholera and kidney troubles. The fresh, acrid juice inside the shell is vesicant. It has been used for removing warts, as well as for treating ringworm, leprosy and corns, and is applied to the soles of the feet to cure cracks in the skin. The gum is bactericidal, fungicidal and kills worms and protozoa.It is applied externally in the treatment of leprosy, and for corns and fungal conditions.
40 Mimusops elengi L. SAPOTACEAE Tree The bark is astringent, bitter and tonic. It is used in the treatment of Diarrhea and dysentery. A decoction of the bark, sometimes mixed with the flowers, is used as a gargle to treat gum inflammation, toothache etc. It is also used to treat gonorrhea, snake bites, fevers, wounds, scabies and eczema. The leaves are used to treat headache, toothache, wounds and sore eyes, and are smoked to cure infections of the nose and mouth. The flowers have been used as a remedy against Diarrhea. The young fruits have been employed in a gargle for treating sprue. The pounded seeds are used to cure obstinate constipation. Various parts of the tree have medicinal properties. It is used in the treatment and maintenance of oral hygiene. Rinsing mouth with water solution made with bakul helps in strengthening the teeth. It also prevents bad breath and helps keep the gums healthy.
41 Morus alba MORACEAE Tree The leaves are anti-bacterial, astringent, diaphoretic, hypoglycaemic, odontalgic and ophthalmic. They are taken internally in the treatment of colds, influenza, eye infections and nosebleeds. An injected extract of the leaves can be used in the treatment of elephantiasis and purulent fistulae. The leaves are collected after the first frosts of autumn and can be used fresh but are generally dried. The stems are antirheumatic, antispasmodic, diuretic, hypotensive and pectoral. They are used in the treatment of rheumatic pains and spasms, especially of the upper half of the body, high blood pressure. A tincture of the bark is used to relieve toothache. The branches are harvested in late spring or early summer and are dried for later use. The fruit has a tonic effect on kidney energy. It is used in the treatment of urinary incontinence, dizziness, tinnitus, insomnia due to anaemia, neurasthenia, hypertension, diabetes, premature greying of the hair and constipation in the elderly. The root bark is antiasthmatic, antitussive, diuretic, expectorant, hypotensive and sedative. It is used internally in the treatment of asthma, coughs, bronchitis, oedema, hypertension and diabetes. The roots are harvested in the winter and dried for later use. The bark is anthelmintic and purgative, it is used to expel tape worms. anti-inflammatory, anti-oxidative, anti-microbic, anti-diabetic, anti-tumor, anti-cancer;
42 Quercus incana W. Bartram FAGACEAE Tree A decoction or infusion is astringent, anti-bacterial, anti-fungal, anti-septic, styptic and haemostatic. It is taken internally to treat conditions such as acute Diarrhea, dysentery and haemorrhages. Externally, it is used as a mouthwash to treat toothache or gum problems and is applied topically as a wash on cuts, burns, various skin problems, haemorrhoids and oral, genital and anal mucosa inflammation.
43 Shorea robusta Gaertn. DIPTEROCARPACEAE Tree The resin is valued for its use in the treatment of dysentery, gonorrhea, boils and toothaches. The leaf juice is used in the treatment of dysentery. The leaves are warmed and used as a poultice on areas of the body that are swollen. They are also applied to the stomach of children with dysentery. The oil from the seed is used to treat skin diseases.
44 Streblus asper Lour. MORACEAE Tree A decoction of the stem bark is used in the treatment of dysentery, Diarrhea and fevers. The bark is chewed as an anti-dote in snake poisoning. Water in which the bark of this tree has been boiled is used for disinfecting wounds. The powdered root bark is used to treat toothache and to cure peritonitis. The leaves are depurative and laxative. They are given, with a little added salt, to mothers who have just given birth. A decoction of the branchlets is drunk to relieve a swollen abdomen. The seed is considered tonic and carminative, as well as an appetizer. A decoction of the roots is used to treat diphtheria. The latex from the plant, rubbed on the temples, is considered effective in treating neuralgia.