Botanical Name Plant's Common Name Plant Family   

   MT010 : Eriolaena hookeriana Wight & Arn.

Plant Category : Tree

Melghat's Flora's Serial No. : 46

Synonym : -

Plant Common Name : Bhondra-Dhaman G-Bhondar

Plant Family : Malvaceae

Description : Shrubs or small trees, up to 10 m tall; herbaceous portions stellate-tomentose. laves 10 - 13 cm in diam., roundish to cordate, cordate at base, acuminate at apex, irregularly crenate-dentate, dotted with small tufts of stellate hairs above and finely rusty pubescent beneath, nerves 5 - 9 at base, prominent beneath; petioles 2 - 11 cm long, rather stout, stellate-tomentose. Flowers many, in axillary, peduncled cymes; peduncles up to 15 cm long, stout, stellate-hairy becoming glabrous with age; involucral bracts shorter than calyx, multisect, segments linear; pedicels up to 4 cm long. Sepals 1.5 - 2 x 0.2 - 0.3 cm, linear-lanceolate, often subfalcate, pubescent outside, stellate-hairy and glandular at base inside. petals 3 - 4 cm long, obovate, ca 5 mm broad towards the apex, claws densely pubescent with in. Staminal column 1.5 - 2 cm long, antheriferous throughout its length; filaments up to 1 cm long; anthers many-seriate. Ovary ca 5 mm long, stellate-hairy; styles 2 - 2.4 cm long, pubescent; stigmas 8 - 10-lobed. Capsules 6 - 10, up to 4 x 2 cm, ovoid to pyriform, pointed, woody, loculicidal, 10-valved, valves downy, tubercled or pitted or smooth, 6 - 19 mm long, winged above, glossy.

Plant Location in Melghat : In Churakund, Harisal

Medicinal Use / Activity : Antimicrobial, Anticancer, Wound healing

Plant's Phytochemicals : COMPOUNDS: malvalic acid; sterculic acid;


Plant's Current Status :

Plant's Cross Database Reference : 259142

Reference : Dhore M. A. (1984) The flora of melghat tiger reserve - - -

Reference : ~ Dhore MA and Joshi PA; "Flora of Melghat Tiger Reserve"; Directorate, Project Tiger, Melghat (1988); PMID :

Kingdom : Plantae - Plants
Phylum : Tracheophyta
Subkingdom : Tracheobionta - Vascular plants
Superdivision : Spermatophyta - Seed plants
Division : Magnoliophyta - Flowering plants
Class : Magnoliopsida - Dicotyledons
Subclass :
Order : Malvales
Family : Malvaceae - Mallow family
Genus : Eriolaena
Species : Eriolaena hookeriana Wight & Arn.

Eriolaena hookeriana Wight & Arn.
Eriolaena hookeriana Wight & Arn.
Eriolaena hookeriana Wight & Arn.